Sunday, November 3, 2019

Letter of Interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Letter of Interest - Essay Example My Case Study Project revolved around a woman with sickle cell anemia who exhibited deteriorated eating habits. Despite encountering challenges when handling patients, the spirit of ‘patients first’ kept me grounded throughout. It was with such motivation that I devotedly engaged nurses, doctors and his parents by constantly communicating with them in a bid to unveil his nutritional needs and enable him attain skills on how to contain his insatiable appetite so that he could significantly gain weight and eventually enhance his eating habits. I believe that this experience best serves to demonstrate how my education, persistence, passion, devotion and expertise have modeled me to be of assistance to others. Besides my dedicated work in the Dietetic Internship, I recently graduated from New York University; Steinhart School of Culture, Education, and Human Development’s, masters program in Nutrition. I attained my undergraduate degree from United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) in Dietetics and was more than fortunate during the four-year B.S. degree to clinch tremendous knowledge from my professors and colleagues. Moreover, during my undergraduate years, I interned in various clinical nutrition departments in different hospitals in Dubai and Sharjah under which I had experience with different cases and patients. I was selected by food and agriculture faculty as 2009 Chair of the student-governed association and assisted in tutoring students in DPD courses. Following my educational background and extensive hands-on work experience, I was modeled into a well-rounded clinician, who will be an asset to the diverse clinical setting of your

Friday, November 1, 2019

Poetry Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Poetry Analysis - Essay Example Connotations: Rhyme scheme not regular, Sensuous imagery-the waves sound- lights falling etc. Romantic imagery. Historical reference to Sophocles. Irregular length of stanzas. Free verse. Language simple. Sea of Faith- image of a sad person. Pathetic fallacy- human feelings are attributed to sea. Light is gone- symbolizes uncertaininty. Sea of Faith- symbolizes religion. Adjectives- â€Å"tremulous cadence†, â€Å"note of eternal sadness†. Attitude: The poem opens with a romantic tone. The melancholic note is added as the poet reflects on the nature of human life. Sadness and sorrowful. â€Å"Ah† indicates pain and â€Å"let us be true† indicates acceptance. Theme: The poem is about maturity and reflects the poet’s understanding of life. Life brings sadness. Like the beach is beautiful but the melancholic note can be heard. Similarly love is beautiful but it brings with itself miseries, sorrow and loneliness. Title: Poem appears to be about the dreams that have not been fulfilled. The alliterative â€Å"d† in the title give a hard impression which prepares the reader for the harsh consequences of the dreams that have been left unfulfilled. Paraphrasing: The poet questions about the end result of such dreams that have been left unfulfilled. He asks if they become dry, sore or rotten. He compares them with a dry raisen or like a sore. He indicates that unfulfilled dreams can cause social and political damage. Connotations: Short. Alliterative â€Å"d†- to stress harshness. Dreams deferred are compared to dry raisen, sore etc. Symbolism: dream could be American dream or negro aspirations. Hot sun- circumstances. Images of decay and waste to symbolize the dreamer’s fate. Title: Is aptly used since it discusses the consequences of the unfulfilled dreams. The dream could be the American dream of success that attracts many. Or the fate of black people in America victimized racially and socially. Theme: The poem is about dreams

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kairos moment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kairos moment - Essay Example My kairos moment Growing up I was passionate about being a medical doctor. I believed that I would serve the community better if I was able to attend patients. This caused me to win support from my parents who urged me to be the best performer in related studies. My childhood experience let me to appreciate the need to have a stable family. My parents separated when I was still a teenager. This affected my academic performance and shook my goals to the core. I realized that part of the reason for the separation was because of the long working hours my father was having in his career. My father was an accomplished medical doctor whose achievements caused him to be extremely busy. One evening, when I was in school I took time to think over and understand the pain I was going through arising from the separation. I was feeling helpless, vulnerable and deserted. I took time to relook at my career aspirations and consider the implications they would have in future. This period coincided th e school schedule set to determine the future career as a pupil. That became my defining moment in career. I opted to change my career with an expectation to spend adequate time with my family. This explains why am in this class. It later turned out that my actual flair was in linguistics and oratory skills. I almost succumb to my father’s pressure to join his profession. My reaction was urgent and opportune although it was triggered by metal anguish. I was in an ideal place to determine my career and did it in the right time. Ancient thinkers considered the kairos moments to be important. Success is dependent on the ability to balance particular within a given situation (Crowley and Hawhee, 37). Greeks had two words that were used to describe time. These were kairos and chronos. The impression created is that when these moments are missed, incredible opportunities are lost. The awareness and timing of an opportunity or situation affects the achievements to be expected. Kairo s is about balancing the various aspects of a situation (Hambrick, 7). People are expected to be watchful for the opportune moment to achieve a desired result. This moment is seized with a sense of urgency, self-awareness and with precisions. According to ancient Greek thinkers, there was an ideal time for doing something no matter how difficult. The willingness to take a chance can be the difference between successful people and failures (Crowley and Hawhee, 38). The currency and urgency of a situation is linked to the ability of the beneficiary to have prior information of the moment. This urgency demands action. Kairos moments teach us that it is possible for people to lose the immediacy of a moment. This causes the relevance of the issue to appear misplaced. Kairos moments justify the fact that we live in a dynamic world where the appropriateness of a moment is dependent on the current audience, prevailing views, time and place of the rhetoric (Crowley and Hawhee, 42). Kairos po ints indicate the situatedness of an argument at a particular place in time. Why this was a karotic moment The timeliness of the decision action helped to me to appreciate the need to change my career aspirations. The decision happened in an opportune moment, the ideal time to pick a career of right time. I had the courage and the strength to take the bold step that became a blessing which

Monday, October 28, 2019

Literary Devices Essay Example for Free

Literary Devices Essay Alliteration Repeating the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. AllusionA figure of speech that makes a reference to, or representation of, people, places, events, literary work, myths, or works of art, either directly or by implication. BildungsromanA type of novel concerned with education, development, and maturation of a young protagonist. Essentially, a Bildungsroman traces the formation of a protagonists maturity (the passage from childhood to adulthood) by following the development of his/her mind and character. Breaking the fourth wallAn author or character addresses the audience directly (also known as direct address). This may acknowledge to the reader or audience that what is being presented is fiction, or may seek to extend the world of the story to provide the illusion that they are included in it. An example is found in the film Ferris Buellers Day Off when the main character speaks to the audience by looking directly into the camera. Chekhovs gunInsertion of an apparently irrelevant object early in a narrative for a purpose only revealed later. See foreshadowing and repetitive designation. Cliff-hangerThe narrative ends unresolved, to draw the audience back to a future episode for the resolution. Deus ex machina (From Latin: a machination, or act of god)Resolving the primary conflict by a means unrelated to the story (e. g. , a god appears and solves everything). This device dates back to ancient Greek theatre, but can be a clumsy method that frustrates the audience. This has come to mean that a force steps in to save the day or a helicopter shows up just as the hero must jump off a building. EpiphanyA sudden revelation or insight—usually with a symbolic role in the narrative—in a literary work. First Person NarrationA text presented from the point of view of a character (esp. the protagonist) and written in the first person. Oftentimes, the first-person narrative is used as a way to directly convey the deeply internal, otherwise unspoken thoughts of the narrator. Occasionally this narrator can be seen as unreliable. In some cases, the narrator gives and withholds information based on his/her own viewing of events. It is an important task for the reader to determine as much as possible about the character of the narrator in order to decide what really happens. Important note: See page 4 for point form recap. Flashback (or analeptic reference)General term for altering time sequences, taking characters back to the beginning of the tale, for instance Flash-forwardAlso called prolepsis, an interjected scene that temporarily jumps the narrative forward in time. Flash forwards often represent events expected, projected, or imagined to occur in the future. They may also reveal significant parts of the story that have not yet occurred, but soon will in greater detail. This has been highly popularized by several television shows. ForeshadowingHinting at events to occur later. See also Chekhovs gun. Frame story, or a story within a storyA main story that organizes a series of shorter stories or a short story that is used within another to add meaning to the other. Framing deviceA single action, scene, event, setting, or any element of significance at both the beginning and end of a work. HamartiaThe character flaw or error of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall. HyperboleExaggeration used to evoke strong feelings or create an impression which is not meant to be taken literally. ImageryForming mental images of a scene using descriptive words, especially making use of the human senses. In medias resBeginning the story in the middle of a sequence of events. The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer are prime examples. The latter work begins with the return of Odysseus to his home of Ithaka and then in flashbacks tells of his ten years of wandering following the Trojan War. IronyThis discrepancy between expectation and reality occurs in three forms: situational irony, where a situation features a discrepancy between what is expected and what is actualized; dramatic irony, where a character is unaware of pivotal information already revealed to the audience (the discrepancy here lies in the two levels of awareness between the character and the audience); and verbal irony, where one states one thing while meaning another. The difference between verbal irony and sarcasm is exquisitely subtle and often contested. The concept of irony is too often misunderstood in popular usage. Unfortunate circumstances and coincidences do not constitute irony (nor do they qualify as being tragic). Readers note: â€Å"Isnt it ironic? † by Alanis Morisette contains several examples, but many of them are not ironic at all. JuxtapositionUsing two themes, characters, phrases, words, or situations together for comparison or contrast Narrative hookStory opening that hooks readers attention so hey will keep reading OverstatementExaggerating something, often for emphasis (also known as hyperbole) OnomatopoeiaWord that sounds the same as, or similar to what the word means, e. g. , boom or squish OxymoronA term made of two words that deliberately or coincidentally imply each others opposite, e. g. terrible beauty ParadoxA phrase that describes an idea composed of concepts that conflict. A good example occurs in the first sentence of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens: It was the best of times, it was the wo rst of times† (1). ParodyRidicule by overstated imitation, usually humorous, as in MAD Magazine Pathetic fallacyReflecting a characters (usually the protagonist) mood in the atmosphere or inanimate objects—for example, the storm in William Shakespeares King Lear, which mirrors Lears mental deterioration. PathosEmotional appeal, one of the three modes of persuasion in rhetoric that the author uses to inspire pity or sorrow towards a character—typically does not counterbalance the target characters suffering with a positive outcome, as in Tragedy. PersonificationUsing comparative metaphors and similes to give living characteristics to non-living objects. Plot twistUnexpected change (twist) in the direction or expected outcome of the plot. Poetic justiceVirtue ultimately rewarded, or vice punished, by an ironic twist of fate related to the characters own conduct Self-fulfilling prophecyPrediction that, by being made, makes itself come true. Early examples include the legend of Oedipus. There is also an example of this in Harry Potter. SatireThe use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize peoples stupidity or vices. Sensory detailImagery, sight, sound, taste, touch, smell Stream of consciousnessTechnique where the author writes down their thoughts as fast as they come, typically to create an interior monologue, characterized by leaps in syntax and punctuation that trace a characters fragmentary thoughts and sensory feelings. An example is Ulysses. SymbolismApplied use of symbols: iconic representations that carry particular conventional meanings.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sustainable Development Essay -- essays research papers

Sustainable Development By the year 2200 there will be a lot more people living on this planet then there are now. Estimates range anywhere from 15 to 36 billion people. Where will these people live? How will they live? The answer is sustainable development. Sustainable development, "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. " It also, "requires meeting the basic needs of all peoples and extending to them the opportunity to fulfill their aspirations for a better life. A world in which poverty is endemic will always be prone to ecological and other catastrophes." Sustainable development is being ignored in Chile, the Philippines, and Siberia, practiced in Madagascar and in Alaska, and examined in the Lake Baikal region of Russia. These Countries must learn from each other's failures and success to discover what sustainable development involves in their own country. Sustainable development has three divisions, economic, environmental, and social. If sustainability is to occur it must, meet these three divisions. In Chile, none of these divisions is being met. Economically speaking, almost 40% of the population is poor and as a result many make a living directly from the land clearing forests. In the IVth region of Chile, forest regions are being depleted at an amazing rate. This depletion of the forest in this region results in two main things, one, people must spend increasing amounts of energy traveling to the site of present cutting and two, the removal of the trees over time has lead to soil erosion and rapid desertification of the area. This soil erosion also removes many nutrients from the soil making the land poor for agriculture. The third division, social, is not met here either. The lack of organizations to relieve the negative effects of poverty on the environment have only contributed to the problem. In the Philippines the environmental degradation is similar in nature but more catastrophic in result. There in the province of Leyte 6000 people were killed when flash flood ripped through Ormoc City in 1991. The floods were a result of logging of a forest in that region and conversion of that area into commercial farming practices such as sugarcane. This in itself did not... ...lace on earth it was necessary to account for all three area's of sustainability. This was accomplished by zoning the entire Lake Baikal watershed into 25 different types of zones ranging from farmland to industrial parks. A total of 52 million acres were set aside as parks, reserves, greenbelts, and landscapes. As well as zoning the entire basin, an agreement was struck to reduce and hopefully end the pollution that enters Lake Baikal's watershed. In this way, not only was the environment saved, but so were peoples jobs and thus the social and economic well-being. The Lake Baikal zoning method is an example of how new methods of sustainable development are always being created. Countries like Chile, the Philippines, and Zimbabwe all can learn a lot from examples such as Madagascar, the United States, and the zoning method in Russia. In fact all countries can learn a lot from the success and failures of each other. In every successful case of sustainable development the three aspects were met, economical, environmental, and social. In every failure at least one or more was missing. The lessons learned now can only help us as we enter the next millennia, and over 15 billion people.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mechanics assignment friction

This lab was based on projectile motion and it was to prove the theory that was covered in lecture 5 to be correct. When dealing with projectile motion, it is the theory that when an object has been fired from its starting point into the air, it will come under the influence of gravity and is attracted to ground with an acceleration of g m/s squared.In the lab a projectile launcher was used to project two steel balls, one in the horizontal direction and one in the vertical direction. The ball that was launched in the vertical direction was ball 1 and the ball that was launched in the horizontal direction was ball 2. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate projectile motion through the use of a vertical acceleration apparatus which shows the independence of vertical acceleration from the horizontal velocity.Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) s thrown obliquely near the earth's surface, and it moves along a curved path u nder the action of gravity only. The path followed by a projectile motion called its trajectory. Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory, after which there is no force in operation apart from gravity. Introduction: Part B Part B of the lab was on Tractive Forces. Tractive force means the force available at the contact between the drive wheel tyres and road is known as ‘tractive effort' or tractive force'.As used in mechanical engineering the term tractive force can either efer to the total traction a vehicle exerts on a surface, or the amount of the total traction that is parallel to the direction of motion. The published tractive force value for any vehicle may be theoretical†that is, calculated from known or implied mechanical properties†or obtained via testing under controlled conditions. The example that was taken in the lab was of a train of 3 parts that were coupled together by couples (T 1) and (T2).Th e purpose of this lab was to prove the theory covered in lecture 6 was correct and to see the relationship between force, mass and cceleration in tractive forces which comes from Newton's 2nd law. We know that force = mass x acceleration and we also were giving the conditions to which the train was under. Table 1, Part A: recorded and calculated data Measured time and distance for the vertical ball and the horizontal ball projected from projectile launcher. Test 1st Ball (vertical) 2nd Ball (horizontal) Distance (s) (m) Time of flight (t) 0. 5 0. 93 0. 6 1. 38 0. 4 0. 51 1. 46 0. 43 0. 56 1. 36 0. 35 0. 57 1. 34 0. 60 0. 68 1. 39 0. 0 7 0. 40 0. 54 1 . 45 8 0. 28 1 . 31 9 0. 30 0. 47 10 1. 32 Average values 0. 391 1 . 387 Table 2, part A: Calculated Horizontal velocity, acceleration due to gravity, the % difference in the value of gravity, and the Vertical velocity. Horizontal velocity (Vh) (calculated) 2. 57 rrvs Acceleration due to gravity, g (calculated) 6. 38 m/s squared % diffe rence in the value of g -34. 96% Vertical striking velocity (W) (calculated) 3. 83 rms (Horizontal velocity) S = Vx T therefore S = 1. 39 = 2. 57 m/s T 0. 54 (Acceleration due to gravity) Sv = IJvT – 1 g(t)squared 2 Therefore = 2 (0. 93) squared T squared 0. 54 squared = 1. 86 = 6. 378 = 6. 8 rms 0. 2916 0. 2916 (% difference in the value of g) % difference = Calculated -g x 100 . 81 (Vertical striking velocity) V=U+GXT v = o + 3. 83571 v = 3. 83 rms Discussion part A =6. 38-9. 81 x 100 In this lab that was completed it was shown that the theory behind projectile motion is correct. It was proven that both balls came under the influence of gravity once they left the projectile launcher and that they were both attracted to ground. The two balls were launched from the same vertical height but the ball number 2 that was travelling in the horizontal direction travelled a further distance than ball number 1 in the vertical direction.Even though ball number 2 travelled a further dis tance the wo balls will hit the ground at the same time as they both come under the same force of gravity however this was not shown in our table 1 (Fig 1) because their was human errors such as, two people starting the stop watches at different times, the person pressing the trigger mechanism was releasing the balls faster sometimes than other times even though we would start the stop watches on the count of 3. The other factors that had to be taken into consideration is, if the projectile launcher was at any sort of an angle due to the work bench not been balanced or level or an even surface.However the readings that were taken were still very close to each other so experiment the initial velocity of each ball was O m/s. To calculate the acceleration due to gravity we manipulated the equation to find (g) gravity. When dealing with projectiles, we use the same equations as linear motion but the (a) for acceleration is replaced or substituted with (g) for gravity. The acceleration d ue to gravity was 6. 38 m/s squared. In theory this acceleration should have been 9. 81 m/ s squared but due to the human errors that occurred during the experiments there was a difference of -3. m/s squared these % errors came from miscalculating of the time taken for the balls to hit the ground and the distance travelled by the horizontal ball. When the steel ball number 2 is projected from the projectile launcher in the horizontal direction, the time it takes for the steel ball to hit the ground is independent of its initial horizontal velocity, the steel ball will continue to move in the horizontal direction with the same horizontal velocity in which it was projected from the projectile launcher with because there is no acceleration so it stays at a constant velocity.The distance that the steel ball number 2 travels in the horizontal distance before it hits the ground is dependent on the time of flight and the horizontal velocity that it was projected with. Projectile motion onl y occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory, after which there is no force in operation apart from gravity, this was proven in the experiment as ball number 1 was let fall from a height with no other force applied and ball number two was projected with a horizontal velocity from the projectile launcher and both balls were attracted to ground as they came under the nfluence of gravity.We found the value of acceleration using the average vertical height in which the ball was projected from and used the average horizontal time in which it took ball number two to hit the ground as ball number two was projected with an horizontal velocity it still should hit the ground at the same time as ball number one does as there both under the same force of gravity. If our measurements and calculations were 100% we should have got an acceleration of 9. 81 m/s squared. The horizontal component of the velocity of the object remains unchanged throughout the motion.The v ertical component of the velocity increases linearly, because the acceleration due to gravity is constant. It is important to note that the Range and the Maximum height of the Projectile do not depend upon mass of the projected body. The Range and Max Height are equal for all those bodies which are thrown by same velocity and direction. Air resistance does not affect displacement of a projectile; this is why we do not take the mass of the balls into consideration or the mass of any objects when dealing with projectiles. This experiment proves and supports the theory behind projectile motion to be correct.We do not take the mass of the balls or bodies into consideration when dealing with projectile motion as the air resistance does not affect the displacement of the projectile. The range and height are equal for all bodies which are thrown by the same velocity and direction. There was a small difference in calculating the acceleration due to gravity, this was because of the different readings and human errors that took place during the experiment. Both balls come under the influence of the same gravity and are attracted to ground and should hit the ground at the same time.In theory both balls should hit the ground at the same time, but because there were two people using stopwatches to record the times taking there was going to be a difference in the readings and calculation. The horizontal distance ball number two travels before it hits the ground is dependent of the time of flight and the horizontal velocity of projection. Ball number two will travel at the same horizontal velocity because there is no acceleration or any other force applied. The vertical component of the velocity will increases linearly because the acceleration due to gravity is onstant, so it picks up speed as it is falling from a height.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hydro One’s strategy Essay

1.What is Hydro One’s Strategy? Hydro One’s strategy is to semiannually interview all aspects of the company and evaluate what the biggest risks are to the company. They will rank those risks, and then develop ways to mitigate those risks. Those solutions will be evaluated on the amount of risk reduction per dollar. The most successful and efficient will be implemented for that year. The summary is handed to the Risk Department for finalization. 2.Why are they spending on the Bruce-Milton/Toronto line and the Smart Meters? They are spending on the Line and Smart Meters to increase customer satisfaction, conserve energy and resources, and to increase capacity to answer demand. 3.Putting yourself in the shoes of CEO Laura Formusa, what risks does Hydro One face? Risks faced are rising costs, lack of employees, uncertainty in government (upcoming election), safety issues, equipment failures, environment issues 4.Consider the elements of Hydro One’s ERM process. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Strengths: full involvement of every aspect of the business, large numbers are able to see things that others might not, highly scrutinizing of options to mitigate, efficient Weaknesses: Risk experts are not fully involved until risks have been established by others, options for mitigation not used may be the important ones, only management is involved (what about some lower level workers seeing issues?) 5.Should private sector companies embrace ERM in a way similar to Hydro One’s approach? I don’t think it would hurt. It’s full enterprise brainstorming. Some people may think of things risk experts maybe didn’t see. If it helps save money, increase customer satisfaction, and mitigates risk- it is probably worth it. 6.What recommendations would you make to CEO Laura Formusa about the ERM process? I would involve more little people. They may see something that the managers don’t. Get the Risk people involved earlier to help establish options faster.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Critical Thinking Is Self Guided Self Disciplined Thinking Religion Essay Essay Example

Critical Thinking Is Self Guided Self Disciplined Thinking Religion Essay Essay Example Critical Thinking Is Self Guided Self Disciplined Thinking Religion Essay Paper Critical Thinking Is Self Guided Self Disciplined Thinking Religion Essay Paper in which abstract entities or universals are distinguished with their objects or specifics in the material universe. Plato s political theories emerge in the Republic, in which he explored the nature and the construction of a merely society. Plato besides recommended a political system based on the division of the population into three categories. It was determined by instruction instead than birth or wealth. Rulers, constabularies and armed forces, and civilians. Plato died in 347 B.C.E at about the age of 80. Plato is by and large held to be the male parent of Western doctrine. He is best-known for his celebrated analogy of the cave. Suppose person is bound up so that the individual can non turn around but can merely look at the back wall of the cave. There is a fire at the oral cavity of the cave. If person comes into the cave, so the edge individual can non see the newcomer straight but can merely see the shadow dramatis personae by the fire on the back wall of the cave. So as we go through life, we can non see truth and world but merely shadows of these. If we try difficult plenty and listen to philosophers, so possibly we can acquire a glance of the truth. From Plato we get the impression that there is the truth someplace but that we have to seek for it to happen it. The manner to seek for the truth is to utilize critical thought to assail what is untrue. Plato is one of the philosopher that stands out as holding the greatest influence on critical thought criterions. Plato has recorded many of Socrates thoughts. Plato besides broaden Socrate s ideas on Critical Thinking and other issues. Normally, the early plant of Plato are considered to be near to the spirit of Socrates, while the ulterior works including Phaedo are considered to be perchance merchandises of Plato s embroidery. In Plato s Hagiographas there are arguments refering the best possible signifier of authorities, having disciples of nobility, democracy, monarchy, and other issues excessively. A cardinal subject is the struggle between nature and convention, refering the function of heredity and the environment on human intelligence and personality. Furthermore, Plato besides had some influential appraisal on the nature of cognition and acquisition, which began with the inquiry whether virtuousness can be taught, and proceeded to elaborate the constructs of remembrance, la rning as the find of preexistent cognition, and right sentiment, sentiments which are right but have no clear justification. Realism has traditionally been interpreted as a signifier of metaphysical dualism, sometimes referred to as Platonic or Exaggerated Realism. Furthermore, Plato s metaphysics segregates the universe into two distinguishable part that are the apprehensible universe of forms , and the perceptual universe we see around us. As for the perceptual universe consist of imperfect transcripts of the apprehensible signifiers or thoughts. These signifiers are unchangeable and perfect. It is merely comprehendible by the usage of the mind or understanding such as a capacity of the head that does non include sense-perception or imaginativeness. In add-on, Plato asserts that societies have a three-party category construction matching to the spirit/appetite/reason construction of the single psyche that are Productive ( Workers ) and Protective ( Warriors ) . Productive are the labourers, carpenters, pipe fitters, Masons, merchandisers, husbandmans and others. These illustrations correspond to the appetite portion of the psyche. As for Protective are those who are adventuresome, strong, weather, in love with danger in the armed forces. These illustrations correspond to the spirit portion of the psyche. Furthermore, Plato emphasize that societies have a three-party category construction matching to the appetite/spirit/reason construction of the single psyche. Regulating, that are Rulers are those who are intelligent, rational, self-controlled, in love with wisdom, good suited to do determinations for the community. They correspond to the reason portion of the psyche and are really few. Second Philosopher: Aristotle Degree centigrades: NamielatifilesCRITICAL THINKINGaristotl.jpg Figure: Aristotle Grecian Logics and Metaphysicss Aristotle, one of Plato s greatest pupils, was born in 384 BC. Aristotle s male parent was a doctor to the male monarch of Mecadonia, and when Aristotle was seven old ages old, his male parent sent him to analyze at the Academy. He was at that place at the beginning as a pupil, so became a research worker and eventually a instructor. He seemed to adopted and developed Platonic thoughts while at that place and to hold expressed them in duologue signifier. When Plato died, Plato willed the Academy non to Aristotle, but to his nephew Speusippus. Aristotle so left Athens with Xenocrates to travel to Assos, in Asia Minor, where he opened a subdivision of the Academy. There he met Hermias, another former pupil of Plato, who had become male monarch of Assos. Aristotle married Hermias niece, Pythias, who died ten old ages subsequently. During these old ages in Assos, Aristotle started to interrupt away from Platonism and developed his ain thoughts. King Philip of Macedonia invited Aristotle to the capitol around 343 BC to tutor his thirteen-ear-old Don, Alexander. Tutoring Alexander in the Academy in Assos, Aristotle still remained the president of the Academy. In 359 BC, Alexander s male parent, King Philip decided to put off to repress the Grecian city states, and left Alexander in charge, therefore halting Aristotle s tutoring of Alexander. King Philip was so murdered, in 336 BC, and Alexander so became king. He mobilized his male parent s great ground forces and subdued some city states, therefore going Alexander The Great . In 335 BC, Aristotle returned to Athens. Speusippus had died, but Aristotle was once more non given the presidential term of the Academy in Athens, alternatively, it was given to one of his co-workers Xenocrates. So, Aristotle founded his ain school this clip, it was named the Lyceum, named after Apollo Lyceus. In 323 BC, twelve old ages after establishing the Lyceum, Alexander the Great died. In Greece bitterness against the Macedonia hegemony seethed and public violences broke out. Aristotle was accused of impiousness, and his life become in serious hazard. So he left Athens, and went to his late female parent s estate at Chalcis on the island of Euboea. He died there in the following twelvemonth, 322 BC. Aristotle wrote books on many topics, including logic natural philosophies, poesy, fauna, rhetoric, authorities, and biological science. Aristotle extended Socrates and Plato s critical thought by composing a book on logic that is a cardinal dogma of critical thought. Aristotle s epistemology that what we call today Aristotellian logic, Aristotle himself would hold labeled analytics. For Aristotle, the term logic was reserved to intend dialectics. The ancient observers grouped together several of Aristotle s treatises under the rubric Organon that is ( Instrument ) . They besides regarded them as consisting his logical plants such as Classs, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, Topics, and On Sophistic Refutations. Aristotellian logic has chiefly been concerned with learning good statement. Furthermore, it is still taught up till terminal today. All of Aristotle s logic revolves around one impression that is the tax write-off or in other words that is sullogismos. Aristotle defines tax write-off as a address ( logos ) in which, certain things holding been supposed, something different from those supposed consequences of necessity because of their being so. Furthermore, each of the things supposed is a premiss ( protasis ) of the statement, and what consequences of necessity is the decision ( sumperasma ) . Aristotle s logic is of import in that it introduces a formal system of idea. Furthermore, Aristotle s syllogism is referred to as formal logic. The beauty of Aristotle s logic is his debut of the syllogism that is Syllogism is modernness defined as a peculiar sort of statement incorporating three categorical propositions, two of them premises, one of it is a decision. In metaphysics, Aristotle produced a figure of plants which together were called the natural philosophies. These books seemed to concern a basic, cardinal country of philosophical enquiry, which Aristotle himself called first doctrine . The early Aristotellian bookmans called those books ta meta Ta physika biblia . It means the books that come after the books about natural philosophies. It is the one theory of the beginning the word metaphysics . Aristotle is besides regarded the father of metaphysics. The metaphysics was divided into three parts that are Ontology, Theology, and Universal Science. As for Ontology, it is the survey about being. It has been traditionally defined as the scientific discipline of being qua being that is Aristotle s Grecian word that has been Latinized as qua agencies approximately in so far as or under the facet . In divinity, it is about the survey of God or the Gods and of the inquiries about the divina. Last but non least, Universal Science. It is the survey of alleged first rules, which underlie all other questions. Example of such a rule is the jurisprudence of non-contradiction. ISLAMIC CONTRIBUTION IN CRITICAL Thinking First Philosopher: Al-Kindi Degree centigrades: NamielatifilesCRITICAL THINKINGAl_Kindi.jpg Figure Al-Kindi Islam Contribution in Critical Thinking Al-Kindi was born in Kufa, Iraq to an blue Kindah, the narrative of Al-Kindi s household traveling from Yemen has non been proven. His full name was, in AbA «-YA «suf YaqA «b ibn IsaA?q ibn as-aabbA?a ibn OmrA?n ibn IsmaA «l al-KindA « . His male parent was the governor of Kufa, and al-Kindi received his preliminary instruction at that place. He subsequently completed his surveies in Baghdad, where he was patronized by the Abbasid Caliphs al-Mamun and al-Mutasim. Because of his acquisition and aptitude for survey, al-Mamun appointed him to House of Wisdom in Baghdad, a late established Centre for the interlingual rendition of philosophical and scientific texts. He was good known for his beautiful penmanship, and at one point was employed as a calligraphist by al-Mutawakkil. When al-Mamun died, his brother, al-Mutasim became Caliph. Al-Kindi s place was enhanced under al-Mutasim, who appointed him as a coach to his boy. But on the accession of al-Wathiq, and particularly of al-Mutawakkil, al-Kindi s star waned. There are assorted theories why this happened: some attribute al-Kindi s ruin to scholarly competitions at the House of Wisdom ; others refer to al-Mutawakkil s frequently violent persecution of irregular Muslims ( every bit good as of non-Muslims ) ; at one point al-Kindi was beaten and his library temporarily confiscated. Al-Kindi died in Baghdad in 873, during the reign of Al-Mutamid, a alone adult male . After his decease, al-Kindi s philosophical plants rapidly fell into obscureness and many of them were lost even to later Islamic bookmans and historiographers. This may hold occurred for a figure of grounds. Aside from the hawkish orthodoxy of al-Mutawakkil, the Mongols destroyed infinite libraries during their invasion. However, the most likely cause was that his Hagiographas neer found popularity among influential philosophers such as al-Farabi and Avicenna, who finally overshadowed him. Al-Kindi was the first Muslim philosopher. It is said that Al-Kindi have written 270 plants but most of them are lost. His Hagiographas, are encyclopaedic in range, runing from logic through medical specialty and scientific discipline to divinity. Some of al -Kindi s plants were translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona and until late, he was known merely through these Latin interlingual renditions. Al-Kindi revised the Arabic version of Plotinus Enneads, a work he thought to be one of Aristotle s. It was owing to al-Kindi that doctrine became portion of an Muslim civilization. Al-Kindi became known as the philosopher of the Arabs and his undertaking as he saw it was to accommodate the wisdom of Al Quran with Greek doctrine. Al-Kindi s observation is rather wid-ranging. It embraces the whole of human scientific discipline. Al Kindi s usage of the term theologian varies. Al Kindi makes the contrast between the Godhead scientific discipline of the Al-Quran and that of the philosophers. There are the Al-Quran that is purely a Godhead scientific discipline, while that of the philosophers is eventually a human scientific discipline. Furthermore, the cognition of the prophesier is immediate and inspired, whereas that of the philosophers is reached by manner of logic and presentation. Furthermore, Al-Kindi besides confronted with Aristotle s position that the universe is ageless, Al Kindi will deny this because of his religion. The universe is non ageless, merely God is ageless. Any other besides God is created and finite. The denial of infinitude of anything other than God is found in the De quinque essentlis, a work which holds that affair, signifier, infinite, motion, and clip attach to every physical organic structure. In Al-Kindi s De intellectu al-Kindi, he argues that adult male has four minds. That are the agent mind, the inactive mind, the latter as actuated, and the usage of cognition already had. Therefore, we can all take it that he is distinguishing the four senses of mind. Second Philosopher: Ibn Sina Degree centigrades: NamielatifilesCRITICAL THINKINGibn sina.jpg Figure Ibn Sina Islam Contribution in Critical Thinking Ibn Sina was born in 980 C.E. in the small town of Afshana near Bukhara which today is located in the far South of Russia. His male parent, Abdullah, an disciple of the Ismaili religious order, was from Balkh and his female parent from a small town near Bukhara. In any age Ibn Sina, known in the West as Avicenna, would hold been a elephantine among giants. He displayed exceeding rational art as a kid and at the age of 10 was already adept in the Quran and the Arabic classics. During the following six old ages he devoted himself to Muslim Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Natural Science and studied Logic, Euclid, and the Almeagest. He turned his attending to Medicine at the age of 17 old ages and found it, in his ain words, non hard . However he was greatly troubled by metaphysical jobs and in peculiar the plants of Aristotle. By opportunity, he obtained a manual on this topic by the famed philosopher alFarabi which solved his troubles. By the age of 18 he had built up a repute as a doctor and was summoned to go to the Samani swayer Nuh ibn Mansur ( reigned 976997 C.E. ) , who, in gratitude for Ibn Sina s services, allowed him to do free usage of the royal library, which contained many rare and even alone books. Endowed with great powers of absorbing and retaining cognition, this Muslim bookman devoured the contents of the library and at the age of 21 was in a place to compose his first book. At about the same clip he lost his male parent and shortly afterwards left Bukhara and wandered due wests. He entered the services of Ali ibn Mamun, the swayer of Khiva, for a piece, but finally fled to avoid being kidnapped by the Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna. After many rovings he came to Jurjan, near the Caspian Sea, attracted by the celebrity of its swayer, Qabus, as a frequenter of larning. Unfortunately Ibn Sina s reaching about coincided with the deposition and slaying of this swayer. At Jurjan, Ibn Sina lectured on logic and uranology and wrote the first portion of the Qanun, his greatest work. Ibn Sina was the most original and systematic Muslim philosopher. He was mentioned by two famed historiographers of mediaeval western doctrine such as A.Maurer and F.Copleston. A. Maurer stated that aˆÂ ¦his ( Ibn Sina s ) doctrine is a extremely personal accomplishment, ranking among the greatest in the history of doctrine whereas F. Copleston said that The greatest Muslim philosopher of the eastern group without uncertainty is Avicienna or Ibn Sina ( 980-1037 ) , the existent Godhead of a scholastic system in the Islamic universe . Ibn Sina was known by the work forces of the 13th century chiefly through his Sufficientiae, whose parts are devoted to the chief divisions of doctrine that are logic, natural philosophies, mathematics, psychological science and metaphysics. Ibn Sina develops a idea of al-Farabi, who takes up a differentiation Aristotle made in the Posterior Analytics between cognizing what a thing is and cognizing that it is, had maintained in animals a difference between kernel and being. Kernel here stands for nature. Which is possibility, and it does non include being. Being is inadvertent to essence or nature. Existent ( mawjud ) signifies existent. Furthermore, an existing partakes of an kernel. For illustration, the characteristic of a hoops can be discussed in footings of the formal belongingss of a domain. An unfulfilled entity such as a unicorn may hold an kernel but no being. Therefore, the difference between kernel and being in animals provides Ibn Sina with the great ontological difference between animals and God. Decision In finishing this undertaking, I ve learned that there are many philosophers that had been lending to Critical Thinking. By taking Grecian Logics and Metaphysicss in Critical Thinking, I ve learned that harmonizing to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, merely the trained head is prepared to see beneath the delusory visual aspects to the deeper worlds of life. Critical thought from the beginning included non merely scrutiny of the words and actions of others but besides the scrutiny of one s ain ideas and actions. Furthermore, as in Islam Contribution to Critical Thinking. I ve learned that Al-Kindi and Ibn Sina contributes so much as a Muslim philosopher. Their position of doctrine is rather comprehensive and it embraces the whole of human scientific discipline. All of their parts had developed an first-class Critical Thinker to the new coevalss.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Format a Book in 6 Powerful Steps Ebook Formatting

How to Format a Book in 6 Powerful Steps Ebook Formatting How to Format a Book with the Reedsy Book Editor If you are a self-publishing author who wants to know how to typeset a book, there are plenty of tools and resources available to you. Many writers use MS Word for ebook formatting - but this shouldn't choice by default. Ensure you take the time to explore the different options available for formatting your manuscript because a clean design is a vital part of publishing success.In this step-by-guide, we’re going to give you tips for producing a professional-looking final product whether that's an ebook, a printed book, or both.  We'll also explain how our very own free tool - the Reedsy Book Editor - can make the job simple for you.Why should I use the Reedsy Book Editor?With the input of the expert designers, our product team designed a book production tool that allows authors to create manuscripts that meet the high standards set by the industry. Whether you want ebook formatting, or to produce physical copies, there are many reasons to turn to the Editor:No previous de sign knowledge required,Your work is securely stored in the cloud and accessible for any device,There's no need to install any softwareProfessionally designed templates, compatible with a variety of distribution platforms,Unlimited exports,...and more. Head to our Reedsy Book Editor and format your book for free, in just a few seconds. And if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to let us know in the comments below.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Major General Benjamin Lincoln - American Revolution

Major General Benjamin Lincoln - American Revolution Benjamin Lincoln - Early Life: Born at Hingham, MA on January 24, 1733, Benjamin Lincoln was the son of Colonel Benjamin Lincoln and Elizabeth Thaxter Lincoln. The sixth child and first son of the family, the younger Benjamin benefited from his fathers prominent role in the colony. Working on the familys farm, he attended school locally. In 1754, Lincoln entered public service when he assumed the post of Hingham town constable. A year later, he joined the 3rd Regiment of the Suffolk County militia. His fathers regiment, Lincoln served as adjutant during the French Indian War. Though he did not see action in the conflict, he attained the rank of major by 1763. Elected a town selectman in 1765, Lincoln became increasingly critical of British policy towards the colonies. Condemning the Boston Massacre in 1770, Lincoln also encouraged Hingham residents to boycott British goods. Two years later, he earned a promotion to lieutenant colonel in the regiment and won election to the Massachusetts legislature. In 1774, following the Boston Tea Party and passage of the Intolerable Acts, the situation in Massachusetts rapidly changed. That fall, Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, who had been appointed governor by London, dissolved the colonial legislature. Not to be deterred, Lincoln and his fellow legislators reformed the body as the Massachusetts Provincial Congress and continued meeting. In short order this body became the government for the entire colony except British-held Boston. Due to his militia experience, Lincoln oversaw committees on military organization and supply. Benjamin Lincoln - The American Revolution Begins: In April 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the start of the American Revolution, Lincolns role with the congress expanded as he assumed a position on its executive committee as well as its committee of safety. As the Siege of Boston commenced, he worked to direct supplies and food to the American lines outside the city. With the siege continuing, Lincoln received a promotion in January 1776 to major general in the Massachusetts militia. Following the British evacuation of Boston in March, he focused his attention on improving the colonys coastal defenses and later directed attacks against the remaining enemy warships in the harbor. Having achieved a degree of success in Massachusetts, Lincoln began pressing the colonys delegates to the Continental Congress for a suitable commission in the Continental Army. As he waited, he received a request to bring a brigade of militia south to assist General George Washingtons army at New York. Marching south in September, Lincolns men reached southwest Connecticut when they received orders from Washington to mount a raid across Long Island Sound. As the American position in New York collapsed, new orders arrived directing Lincoln to join Washingtons army as it retreated north. Helping to cover the American withdrawal, he was present at the Battle of White Plains on October 28. With the enlistments of his men expiring, Lincoln returned to Massachusetts later in the fall to aid in raising new units. Later marching south, he took part in operations in the Hudson Valley in January before finally receiving a commission in the Continental Army. Appointed a major general on February 14, 1777, Lincoln reported to Washingtons winter quarters at Morristown, NJ. Benjamin Lincoln - To the North: Placed in command of the American outpost at Bound Brook, NJ, Lincoln came under attack by Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis on April 13. Badly outnumbered and nearly surrounded, he successfully extricated the bulk of his command before retreating. In July, Washington dispatched Lincoln north to aid Major General Philip Schuyler in blocking an offensive south over Lake Champlain by Major General John Burgoyne. Tasked with organizing militia from New England, Lincoln operated from a base in southern in southern Vermont and began planning raids on the British supply lines around Fort Ticonderoga. As he worked to grow his forces, Lincoln clashed with Brigadier General John Stark who refused to subjugate his New Hampshire militia to Continental authority. Operating independently, Stark won a decisive victory over Hessian forces at the Battle of Bennington on August 16. Benjamin Lincoln - Saratoga: Having built a force of around 2,000 men, Lincoln began moving against Fort Ticonderoga in early September. Sending three 500-man detachments forward, his men attacked on September 19 and captured everything in the area except the fort itself. Lacking siege equipment, Lincolns men withdrew after four days of harassing the garrison. As his men regrouped, orders arrived from Major General Horatio Gates, who had replaced Schuyler in mid-August, requesting that Lincoln bring his men to Bemis Heights. Arriving on September 29, Lincoln found that the first part of the Battle of Saratoga, the Battle of Freemans Farm, had already been fought. In the wake of the engagement, Gates and his chief subordinate, Major General Benedict Arnold, fell out leading to the latters dismissal. In reorganizing his command, Gates ultimately placed Lincoln in command of the armys right. When the second phase of the battle, the Battle of Bemis Heights, began on October 7, Lincoln remained in command of the American defenses while other elements of the army advanced to meet the British. As the fighting intensified, he directed reinforcements forward. The following day, Lincoln led a reconnaissance force forward and was wounded when a musket ball shattered his right ankle. Taken south to Albany for treatment, he then returned to Hingham to recover. Out of action for ten months, Lincoln rejoined Washingtons army in August 1778. During his convalescence, he had contemplated resigning over seniority issues but had been convinced to remain in the service. In September 1778, Congress appointed Lincoln to command the Southern Department replacing Major General Robert Howe. Benjamin Lincoln - In the South: Delayed in Philadelphia by Congress, Lincoln did not arrive at his new headquarters until December 4. As a result, he was unable to prevent the loss of Savannah later that month. Building his forces, Lincoln mounted a counter-offensive in Georgia in the spring of 1779 until a threat to Charleston, SC by Brigadier General Augustine Prevost forced him to fall back to defend the city. That fall, he utilized the new alliance with France to launch an attack against Savannah, GA. Partnering with French ships and troops under Vice Admiral Comte dEstaing, the two men laid siege to the city on September 16. As the siege dragged on, dEstaing became increasingly concerned about the threat posed to his ships by hurricane season and requested that the allied forces assault the British lines. Reliant on French support for continuing the siege, Lincoln had no choice but to agree. Moving forward, American and French forces attacked on October 8 but were unable to break through the British defenses. Though Lincoln pressed to continue the siege, dEstaing was unwilling to further risk his fleet. On October 18, the siege was abandoned and dEstaing departed the area. With the French departure, Lincoln retreated back to Charleston with his army. Working to strengthen his position at Charleston, he came under attack in March 1780 when a British invasion force led by Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton landed. Forced into the citys defenses, Lincolns men were soon besieged. With his situation rapidly worsening, Lincoln attempted to negotiate with Clinton in late April to evacuate the city. These efforts were rebuffed as were later attempts to negotiate a surrender. On March 12, with part of city burning and under pressure from civic leaders, Lincoln capitulated. Surrendering unconditionally, the Americans were not granted the traditional honors of war by Clinton. The defeat proved one of the worst of the conflict for the Continental Army and remains the US Armys third-largest surrender. Benjamin Lincoln - Yorktown: Paroled, Lincoln returned to his farm in Hingham to await his formal exchange. Though he requested a court of inquiry for his actions at Charleston, none was ever formed and no charges were brought against him for his conduct. In November 1780, Lincoln was exchanged for Major General William Phillips and Baron Friedrich von Riedesel who had been captured at Saratoga. Returning to duty, he spent the winter of 1780-1781 recruiting in New England before moving south to rejoin Washingtons army outside New York. In August 1781, Lincoln marched south as Washington sought to trap Cornwallis army at Yorktown, VA. Supported by French forces under Lieutenant General Comte de Rochambeau, the American army arrived at Yorktown on September 28. Leading the armys 2nd Division, Lincolns men took part in the resulting Battle of Yorktown. Besieging the British, the Franco-American army compelled Cornwallis to surrender on October 17. Meeting with Cornwallis at the nearby Moore House, Washington demanded the same harsh conditions that the British had required of Lincoln the year before at Charleston. At noon on October 19 the French and American armies lined up to await the British surrender. Two hours later the British marched out with flags furled and their bands playing The World Turned Upside Down. Claiming he was ill, Cornwallis sent Brigadier General Charles OHara in his stead. Approaching the allied leadership, OHara attempted to surrender to Rochambeau but was told by the Frenchman to approach the Americans. As Cornwallis was not present, Washington directed OHara to surrender to Lincoln, who was now serving as his second-in-command. Benjamin Lincoln - Later Life: At the end of October 1781, Lincoln was appointed Secretary of War by Congress. He remained in this post until the formal end of hostilities two years later. Resuming his life in Massachusetts, he began speculating on land in Maine as well as negotiated treaties with the areas Native Americans. In January 1787, Governor James Bowdoin asked Lincoln to lead a privately-funded army to put down Shays Rebellion in the central and western parts of the state. Accepting, he marched through the rebelling areas and put and end to large-scale organized resistance. Later that year, Lincoln ran and won the post of lieutenant governor. Serving one term under Governor John Hancock, he remained active in politics and participated in the Massachusetts convention that ratified the US Constitution. Lincoln later accepted the position of collector for the Port of Boston. Retiring in 1809, he died at Hingham on May 9, 1810 and was buried in the towns cemetery. Selected Sources History of War: Benjamin LincolnPatriot Resource: Benjamin Lincoln Massachusetts Historical Society: Benjamin Lincoln

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing the brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing the brand - Essay Example Once this phase is achieved the brand needs to ensure that the customer appreciates the brand. Finally the customer needs to become familiar with the brand such that it chooses the brand again and again (Chernatony, McDonald & Wallace, 2010, p.452). Perception: Human beings perceive based on their interpretation. According to the concepts of perception, the sense organs of human beings allow them to create interpretations of various situations, other human beings, and objects. Although theoretically it might be true that two individuals observing a same thing have same perception, but in practicality the perceptions might be different. Such perceptions might occur consciously or at times unconsciously (Ott, 2003). Competitive Positioning: Michael Porter’s five forces model explains how the positioning of a brand depends on the five forces. These five forces include the new entrants in the market, the bargaining power of the buyers, bargaining power of the suppliers, the substitutes and the competitors in the industry. These five factors together decide how a brand is positioned in the market as well as in the minds of the consumers with respect to its competitors (Hax, 2009, pp.208-210). Brand: The meaning of a brand can be understood from the perceptions and impressions that get reflected by a company and its products or services. It is the pledge that a company undertakes in order to serve its customers and provide them with their needs and demands. Thus a brand represents a company and a company is known to its customers by the name of the brand that it carries (Brand Definition, 2011). In the current business world of huge competition accompanied by the varying changes in the needs and demands of the customers, it can be understood that the perceptions of the customers are also changing, particularly with newer brands entering the market in greater levels. The competitive positioning also

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Management - Essay Example One of the greatest differences between marketing to business and marketing to consumers is that B2B marketing is more dependent on relationship building, thus increasing the value of relationship and building brand identity on the basis of personal relationship. Another difference is that the target market is smaller and should be carefully identified. A marketing strategy for the business market should be developed taking into consideration multi-step buying process and longer sales cycle. In addition, while the goal of consumer marketing is to make a shopper a customer (emotional buying decisions can be made), the major aim of business marketing is to provide the business with business value – organizations, in most cases, make rather rational buying decisions. Therefore, multiple individuals within the target organization should be educated on the value of the product, because business procurement is a multi-step process. Historically, the auto industry is heavily affected by the 5 external environments (macro-level). For each of the five (social/cultural, political and legal, competitive, technological, and economic) discuss three aspects within each environment that would impact the marketing planning for the next couple of years.

A Strategic Analysis of Ryanair Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Strategic Analysis of Ryanair - Case Study Example Starting out as a full service conventional airline in 1985, Ryanair changed its strategic direction in 1990s to become Europe's first low-fares, no-frills carrier. The company has taken advantage of the price sensitive customers and gained wide acceptance and recognition because of this strategy. Ryanair battled head-on with other traditional carriers and paved the way in the establishment of a new segment in the European industry. The early success of the budget airline, however, is threatened by the new challenges presented by its rapidly changing business environment. Thus, the main concern of Ryanair is how to sustain and maintain its position in the industry amidst these threats and challenges. In line with this, this paper will examine the current trends in the European airline industry and its implication for the budget airline sector specifically on Ryanair. This paper will primarily draw information from the case study prepared by Eleanor O' Higgins. In order to draw an adequate and accurate assessment of the situation of the industry, it will utilize various strategic management tools like PEST analysis and Porter's Five Forces Model. Another objective of this paper is an internal examination of Ryanair by identifying its strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, this paper will give an assessment of whether the business organization is meeting the expectation of the customers relative to its competitors. 2.0. External Environment Analysis: The European Airline Industry 2.1. PEST Analysis PEST analysis stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. This strategic management tool is noted for its ability to capture almost all the variables in the environment where the business operates (Thomson 2002). The following section applies the PESTLE analysis of the European airline industry. Political The operation of the European airline industry is strongly affected by specific policies instituted by the government. Perhaps the most significant political transformation in the market where Ryanair operates is the governments' effort in integrating their economies through the creation of free trade unions that led to the establishment of the European Union. Through the European Union, budget airlines are given access to the numerous markets which increases their patrons together with the revenue that they generate. However, this integration also has adverse effects in the operation of budget airlines. It should be noted that the abolition of duty-free sales and the subsequent increase in airport's landing charges squeezed the margins of the players. Another policy which impacts the operation of Ryanair is the EU regulation which requires the refitting of used aircraft,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategy implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategy implementation - Essay Example In Andrews’ definition, there appears to be a clear division between strategy formulation and its implementation. It is at the implementation stage that resource allocation becomes crucial. This is in keeping with the classical or planned model of thinking about strategy. In the more recent, process, or resource-based view (RBV) of strategy, when speaking of the competitive advantage of a firm, scholars stress the importance of ‘resources’ and ‘capabilities’ available to it (Amit and Shoemaker 1993). It is commonsensical to argue that the strategy implementation of an enterprise is predicated on the availability (’command’) of resources and capabilities of the firm. Resources are held to be available business-wide, while capabilities are the skills and abilities developed within and specific to the firm. Resources alone therefore, are not in themselves sufficient to gain a ’sustainable competitive advantage’ for a firm. Cap abilities, often in the form of patents, and expertise developed in-house, and not easily replicated by outsiders, are equally, if not more important. It is too simplistic to separate strategy implementation from strategy formulation, since a strategy has to be adaptive and evolving, while keeping at the forefront the ends and goals that need to be met for the business to remain viable. Barney (1991), supported by a number of other researchers, claimed that a firm’s key resources needed optimally to conform to the following criteria.

School Counseling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

School Counseling - Research Paper Example The program also prepares students for improving their social behaviors that are needed to grow positively in the society. Here, an important point to mention is that a school counseling program is not just focused towards working with students, rather it works collaboratively with all stakeholders of the institute that include parents, teachers, students, and the community members. The purpose of engaging all stakeholders in the counseling program is to ensure that students prosper in an all-inclusive environment, which is extremely important for a student to reach his/her highest potential. The role of the school counselor is critical in improving academic and personal behaviors of the students. As Brown and Trusty (2005), â€Å"School counselors can use strategic interventions to improve academic achievement† (p. 1). A counselor is actually a guide or a leader who serves the needs of the students by taking in consideration their needs and demands and conveying them to the related authorities if necessary. It is the job of a counselor to listen to the concerns of students individually and in groups to identify their behavioral deficiencies and learning needs, as well as to help them improve their behaviors and achieve academic goals. A counselor listens to the students to get their viewpoints about the learning environment and tells them the ways to prosper in the environment in an appropriate manner. It is also the responsibility of a counselor to guide students in developing and maintain positive peer-to-peer and student-teacher relationships both of which are necessary for the students to show improved school performances. A counselor also works on improving the social attitudes and behaviors of students to help them become productive citizens. The phases of a school counseling program include planning, designing, implementing,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategy implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategy implementation - Essay Example In Andrews’ definition, there appears to be a clear division between strategy formulation and its implementation. It is at the implementation stage that resource allocation becomes crucial. This is in keeping with the classical or planned model of thinking about strategy. In the more recent, process, or resource-based view (RBV) of strategy, when speaking of the competitive advantage of a firm, scholars stress the importance of ‘resources’ and ‘capabilities’ available to it (Amit and Shoemaker 1993). It is commonsensical to argue that the strategy implementation of an enterprise is predicated on the availability (’command’) of resources and capabilities of the firm. Resources are held to be available business-wide, while capabilities are the skills and abilities developed within and specific to the firm. Resources alone therefore, are not in themselves sufficient to gain a ’sustainable competitive advantage’ for a firm. Cap abilities, often in the form of patents, and expertise developed in-house, and not easily replicated by outsiders, are equally, if not more important. It is too simplistic to separate strategy implementation from strategy formulation, since a strategy has to be adaptive and evolving, while keeping at the forefront the ends and goals that need to be met for the business to remain viable. Barney (1991), supported by a number of other researchers, claimed that a firm’s key resources needed optimally to conform to the following criteria.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hepatitis B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Hepatitis B - Essay Example In addition, 18% of the Hepatitis B patients diagnosed in the country contacted the virus because of handling the already infected patients who were at home. As such, this study suggests that it is possible to control the infection and spread of the disease through encouraging responsible sexual behavior, especially a campaign advocating for behavioral change, as well as undertaking appropriate education for the care givers so that they can handle infected patients at home without the risk of infection. Therefore, the state of Philadelphia undertakes a number of risks due to the exposure from the relative of Hepatitis B, thereby instrumental to consider the variables involved. As such, it is imperative for the state to undertake measures to prevent the acute of chronic Hepatitis B, alongside making efforts to eliminate the transmission of the disease within the Philadelphia community, especially through administration of appropriate vaccination (Hepb,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Forgive Me Mother Essay Example for Free

Forgive Me Mother Essay Its strange how memories of the past can be so terrifying. The thoughts and the occurring dreams are always similar. I would remember longing for a summer where the summers light would beam on my body with the warmth of the sun. Winter was worse because I was terrified by the cold thick air that I would inhale inside my thin body until it feels I was shivering to death. The feeling of being alone , I couldn’t even sleep at night without being terrified; not because of being alone , but knowing my life would dwell with no hope for me for the future. I would see paranormal faces of my father. The haunting face would stare at me with such gentle eyes , yet sad. It’s like he was watching over me. Years ago when I had a family, loving yet annoyingly humorous in a family sense that I miss. We were having dinner with the family with just me , my mother and father. My mother was preparing the food and my father was coming home from work. However he never came back and my mother was worried and panicked. I was still too naà ¯ve to understand the situation fully back then. Hell I don’t even know how old I am anymore since I’ve lost track of time. I cried at first because my mother was always the strong type in the family. It was the first time I’ve seen her cry and the emotions inside of me wanted me to cry with her. He never came back and the authority’s told us he went missing. He was the provider of the family and we were financially unstable. My mother had to look for work , so she left to the city. She told me she would call me when she would be back. Once she left , the people who collects debt knocked on my door and seized the house. I had no place to go and so I left to find shelter and food. I got hired a job in a local newspaper agency to hand out flyers to neighbour streets. It was so cold but I never gave up hoping my mother would come back and take care of me. She couldn’t take me with her because she could only afford enough for herself to travel. We lived in a small town surrounded by snow somewhere in the upper regions of South Korea. One day while I was sleeping in the corner of the streets. A man walked pass with a white hat and apron with a grin on his cheeks. He looked at me for a couple of minutes. I was scared so I didn’t look back at him out of fear. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I was about to run. He asked â€Å"Why are you out in the streets alone at your age? , How old are you?†. I replied in a low voice ‘I don’t know†. He had a strange look on his face and asked me where my guardians was. I replied to him that I don’t know either. He asked me more questions which I all replied â€Å"I Don’t know†. I looked up and saw his face. He was a old man with a beard and had a stick on him which looked like it was supporting him move. It was a silent cold night and I’m not sure why he would be walking around at this time. He asked if I would like to work at his restaurant with cleaning and get paid for it. With nothing to lose I gladly accepted his offer. He took me to his place , it didn’t seem what he said it was. The restaurant looked like a dump and I only saw girls on the front door outside of the restaurant wearing what looked like beach clothing in cold weather. I was suspicious but I had nowhere to go and I didn’t know the way back from here. I followed the old man and he took me into a small room with 10 other children. At first I thought he was taking care of us until there was only girls in the room coming in and out one by one with a man. This isn’t a restaurant I suspected. I was disgusted and tried to leave but they didn’t let me leave. Pushing and crying to get out. They pulled me back , held both my hands and chucked me into a room by myself and locked the doors. Suddenly someone said *Calm down or they will punish you*. I stoped and looked for the source of the sound. The room had a little vent which leads to the other rooms. I whispered to the girl â€Å"What is this place† in a panicking voice. She told me it was a brothel where everyone gets kidnapped and rape for money by strangers. I asked her I was a male, â€Å"what do they want from me?† She told me she doesn’t know either. I didn’t want to find out , my life was already crumbling and now this. There was a medicine cabinet inside the room. I searched inside and found sleeping pills , I remember taking these when I lived with my parents. I could never sleep so the doctor prescribed me sleeping pills. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t out of the fear what was going to happen to me. I suggested to myself I should take these pills and ease things. I took the bottle of medicine from the cabinet. One wasn’t enough for me so I thought. I took more and more until I was feeling dizzy. I counted how many times and how much I’ve taken. But I lost count and started again. I needed more and I needed my peaceful slumber. I was scared to think what was going to happen and kept taking more and more pills until I could feel the bottom of the container. My body begins to weaken and I could no longer feel my fingers. My eyelids begin to shutdown. Soon darkness was all I could see , I felt a hollowing in a room with darkness and suspended in time. Forgive me mother I love you.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ipad Is The Best Tablet Computer Science Essay

Ipad Is The Best Tablet Computer Science Essay IPad a computer that is a type of a tablet, and it was developed by the Apple Company. Apple designed and marketed the IPad especially for the media which include books, periodicals, movies, music, and games. Another purpose of the Apple to design the IPad is to provide general web and email access. The size and weight of the IPad that are about 700 grams is contemporary among all the smart phones and the laptops. Apple introduces the IPad in April, 2010 and on this release Apple sold about three million IPads in the first eighty days. The operating system of the IPad is almost the same as the operating system of the IPod Touch and IPhone. As the I Phone the IPad is also managed and controlled by the multi touch display that is sensitive to the fingertip contact and up to eleven fingers. IPad is different among the previous tablet computers in a way that previous tablets used the pressure triggered a stylus on the other hand IPad can run not only the I Phone applications, but also ru n its own specific applications, but IPad can only run Apples approved programs and the programs that have in its online stores. IPad for the browsing of the internet, load and stream media and for the installing of software uses the Wi-Fi or a 3G mobile data connection. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Hardware Screen and Input: The display of the IPad is the liquid crystal and it touch screen is the about 25 cm. It has fingerprint and scratch resistant glasses the users can use their bare fingers to use it like the IPhones. The users of IPad cannot use the normal gloves and styli because they dont pass on the electrical conductivity, but in market special gloves and styli are available that can be used for the IPad. IPads display screen responds to the two sensors such as an ambient light sensor and 3-axis accelerometer that are respectively adjust the screen brightness and sense IPad orientation. The 3-axis accelerometer also used to switch between portrait and landscape mode. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Connectivity: IPad can use wireless or wired connection for the wireless purpose it can use Wi-Fi network trilateration from the skyhook wireless this provide the IPad applications location information the applications such as Google maps and for the wired connectivity it has a dock connector. IPad has a 3.5 mm TRS connector audio that provides the stereo sound for the headphones and two internal speakers. IPad has also a microphone for the purpose of voice recording and a built in Bluetooth 2.1 and EDR interface that not only allows the wireless headphones but also keyboard with all this connectivity devices IPad has 1024768 VGA video output that connect the IPad with the television or other external devices. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Power and Battery: The batteries that IPad used is from the Taiwan by Simplo Technology and Dynapack International Technology it is an internal rechargeable lithium ion polymer battery and its adapter is of USB 10 W power and it comes in three internal storage sizes flash drive that are 16, 32 and 64 GB it also have camera connection kit with an SD card reader but the problem is that this card only be used to transfer the photos and videos. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Software: As describe earlier IPad can only run the software that are available in the Apple online stores and these software written by the IPads developers theses developers have to pay for the license. IPad has a feature that it can run all the iPhones applications in it modified the screen resolution according to the program or applications. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Applications: IPad has many applications in it some of them are Safari, Mail, Video, YouTube, iPod, iTunes, App Store, iBook, Maps, Notes, Calendar, Contacts and Spotlight search and form these many application are the improved version of the iPhones applications. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Why IPad is The Best Tablet? IPad is the best tablet it can be seen from the fact that more and more companies are introducing IPads that have more and more extraordinary features in them. (Svensson, (2012)). As a report shows that when we talk about the tablet IPad is still the best tablet according to Chitika firm analytics when the people views for the tablet they mostly viewed for the IPad analytics report IPad page views have 87 percent share of the activity on the internet while searching for the tablet and it is for its features that it has. (Reyes, (2013)). IPad is the best tablet in a way that it consumes less power it has some features that is useful for the customer that is it has accelerator in it that horizontally and vertically adjust the screen and also a light sensor which prevent the human eyes from the rays. It is a multi-tasking device. IPad is the best tablet because it can be beneficial for the academics like the teachers, students use it as a paper replacements because by using the IPads the one can preserves the formatting and also use it to display the figures, diagrams, different images and different types of charts. The teachers can use it to describe different concepts that cannot be understood theoretically by giving the online examples in front of the Students. This not only clears the concepts of the students, but also enhance the capabilities in them and also the self-confidence. Students can use IPads to do work at nights easily because it is comes in approximately 10 inch screen and also less heavy than the traditional computers. IPads screen resolution also low because it has LED screen that is not harmful for the eyes. You can read the whole books on the IPads. (Golub, (2010)). IPad has the built in apps in them that is very useful for the people that use it like Google chrome, Facebook, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft outlook etc. These in built apps useful for all the people like office employees, students, and teachers. People can easily search the content they want and get connected with the people. IPad the best tablet because by using its store app one can have access to the television streaming and the movies. One can download the books easily and also can read the internet content when you are not online by saving the content in a reading list. It is a very useful app that can be used by the people. (Parkhurst, (2012)) IPad is the best tablet in a way that its different apps are very useful in the daily and tough routine of the peoples like in the tough working routine IPads video apps is a very useful app to refresh yourself by watching movies or listen to the good music in front of a tiny screen instead of the large screen obviously we cannot compare the TV with the IPad, but watching movies or your different shows on the IPad tablet making feel you closer and real. Many devices like Apple TV or the Xbox 360 helps to overcome the difference between the content that is on the internet and the TVs that you use in your living room but when you are getting use to of the device like IPad that have speed and convenience then it is difficult to switch off to the technology that is not as convenient and responsive. (Sintumang, (2012)). By using the different magazines and news apps the house wives can enjoy the fashion news, gossips and also keep pace with the world by updating their minds from the news apps. (Caplan, (2012)). The feature that makes IPad best tablet is because it is a device that has all the features in one. Its different apps for engineers and accountants are also a prominent feature. Its journal apps like My Own Diary HD, iJournaler and Max Journal for IPad is very use full for the offices employees. By using these apps you can easily enter the entries in the journal and after completion it is automatically update the date and the ease is that you can export it not only by emailing but also by the file sharing like text files, PDFs. (Wolfe, (2010)) Whenever you want to go anywhere for a long time and want to take all your necessary office items, your books and other things with you but you also want to reduce your packing then what is the way? One easy way is that you can use your IPad. By using the IPads you can have all your books, your maps and also you can use your IPad as your travel guide if you are going for an outing. If you want to know the best places of the country you are going to then by using IPad you can search the latest reviews about the countrys best hotels, finest places and it is not only a time saving process but also more timely and reliable. (Rawlinson, (2011)) Conclusion: As the above discussion clearly shows that the IPad is the best tablet as the first paragraph shows describes the point that in different reports shows that IPad is still the best tablet when the people search for the tablet and thats why the companies are launching the new versions of the IPads and increase the features for the people convenience and for providing them all the ease that they can in terms of technology. First paragraph shows some outlook features of IPad that is its size, its accelerator and light sensor. The second paragraph shows the importance of IPads in the academics that is it is very useful for the student, teachers like the teachers and student can use it for the paper replacement they can use IPads to writing the notes and displaying the figures, graphs and charts. The teachers can use the IPads to explain the concepts to the students that cannot be understood theoretically. The third paragraphs shows that IPads have different built in apps in them like Micr osoft outlook, Facebook, Google Chrome that help the people to stay in touch with their loved ones and for increasing the social network. These apps are also useful for the people in the office to search the material they are looking for and to increase their working capabilities. Fourth paragraph describes that the store app of the IPad is useful to store the books and download them easily the people can also save the online content in a reading list and can read it even if you are not online. Fifth paragraph describes that the IPad can be used as a refreshment tool by watching movies and listening music on it as in the tough working routine IPad is very useful to refresh the mind. Sixth paragraph shows that the IPad app of magazines and news is very prominent app as the house wives and the office going people can keep them updated by the daily news. Seventh paragraph describes the apps for the engineers and accountant that they can use different apps to overcome their work load an d make the work easy for them. Eight paragraph shows that IPad can used as a tourist guide that it can help you to locate the different places and the best restaurant of the country you are going. You can use the IPad to reduce your bulk packing as it provides you the apps and features that helps you in all your way.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Irony used by Chaucer Essay -- essays research papers

Irony is the general name given to literary techniques that involve surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. Two stories from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales that serve as excellent demonstrations of irony are â€Å"The Pardoners Tale† and â€Å"The Nun's Priest's Tale.† Although these two stories are very different, they both use irony to teach a lesson.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tale, the Pardoner uses his story to speak out against many social problems, all of which he is guilty of. He preaches about drunkenness, while he is intoxicated while telling the story. Blasphemy and greed are other problems he speaks of. Ironically, he attempts to sell fake religious relics and is amazingly greedy. Yet there are also many ironic situations in the story itself. In the beginning of the story, the three rioters make a pact to â€Å"be brothers,† â€Å"to each defend the others,† and â€Å"to live and die for one another† in protection from death. In going out to fulfill their vows, they encounter money and end up killing each other over greed. After finding the money, the men plan to stay with it until it becomes dark when they can safely take it away. To tide themselves over until then, they send the youngest one out to get food and wine, and while he is away they plan to kill for his share of t he money. Ironically, the youngest one is planning the same thing by slipping poison into the drinks of his companions. When he returns, he is attacked and stabbed to death by the other...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Antebellum America (Educational Reform) Essay

During the Antebellum period, education was not a primary focus. Education was not all that important because everything seemed to be set in stone. The children of the wealthy would get the best possible education in private schools and academies, and would learn about business. This would prepare them for their inherited future. The children of the poor on the other hand would go to public schools which taught trade and industrial skills, which would prepare them to work in jobs at factories and such. However, educational reformers saw that in order for the country to succeed, the poor had to be taught, or democracy would not succeed. During the antebellum period, the north was in a very good position. They were manufacturing on a large scale and urbanizing. These two characteristics are they key role in educational reform. The south however was neither urbanized nor manufacturing. The south, which at the time was still heavily into slavery, could not be educationally reformed as well as the north because slavery was contradicting with the reform process. There were many reform struggles in the south, all due to slavery. The north was reforming nicely, with new schools being built, the wealthy paying higher taxes in order to educate the poor and such. The antebellum period gave birth too many education advocators. They fought for different people, but they shared one purpose, to provide education. For example, the most renowned education reformer was Horace Mann. As secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, Mann fought for higher teacher qualifications, better pay, newer school buildings, and better curriculum. He believed that education was a child’s â€Å"natural right,† and that moral education should be the heart of the curriculum. Mann was firmly convinced that public education had the power to become a stabilizing as well as an equalizing force in American society. Educational reform during the antebellum period was not only an effort to get better education for the poor white men, but also the women and African Americans. Women took this as their chance to try and gain some rights and become equal with men, in education. They fought for their right to get the same education opportunities as men. The women who did faced yet another obstacle. For example, the women who got into the colleges were given rigorous and challenging schedules. This was an effort to undermine their confidence, and keep them from graduating college. The women however didn’t falter, and did very well. African Americans also used this as an opportunity to get educated. However, only free African Americans had a chance, because it was forbidden for slaves to receive education. This reform and slight education gave the African Americans hope and some light in their future. The educational reform during the antebellum period was very significant. It educated the poor, because the wealthy knew what needed to be done. Since working men were allowed to vote, and the majority of men were in the low middle classes, their vote made a big difference. Since most of them were uneducated, they would be ignorant and dangerous when it came time to elections. Education reformers knew that the poor needed to be educated in order for democracy to succeed.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Importance Of Critical Thinking Skills Education Essay

Moore viewed critical thought accomplishment is highlighted as an indispensable foundation to bring forth womb-to-tomb scholars for Twentieth Century acquisition. This chapter will discourse on the importance of critical thought accomplishments, critical thought and employability, execution and challenges of learning critical thought in Malaysia every bit good as theory and schemes to learn critical thought. This chapter will besides lucubrate further on the interconnectedness between engineering, linguistic communication and higher order believing accomplishments, argumentative cognition acquisition and eventually, depict the Toulmin ‘s Model.The importance of critical thought accomplishmentsHarmonizing to Edmonds et Al. ( 2005 ) , critical thought has many definitions over the past old ages ; nevertheless, it can be concluded as an active mental procedure that includes mental accomplishments such as conceptualizing, analysing, using, synthesising and measuring information in order to emerge with an reply or decision. Everyone needs to hold an ability to work out jobs throughout their lives. Therefore, many educational experts have stressed on the importance of transfusing higher order believing accomplishments in one ‘s instruction as it helps pupils to analyze the state of affairs, learn the undertakings better before emerge with solution both in academic and non-academic fortunes ( Chance, 1986 ; Tama, 1989 ; Ennis, 1992 ; Elder & A ; Paul, 2001, ) . This is because believing and larning are interrelated as one has to independently believe and seek solutions to a job or state of affairs in order to derive cognition. Research findings indicate that critical thought accomplishment can be taught and improved in everyone and this accomplishment should be integrated in the course of study at all degrees ( Grant, 1988 ; Paul et al. , 1989 ; White, Burke, 1992 ; McKendree et al. , 2002 ) . Sternberg ( 2003 ) stated that one of the ends of instruction is to bring forth womb-to-tomb scholars who posses the qualities of intelligent, critical minds which is believed to be able to believe independently, analytically and critically to see a better calling accomplishment in order to derive personal satisfaction and hopefully, contribute to national accomplishment to develop his state. This is because larning is an on-going procedure that may happen in academic and non-academic fortunes. Without critical thought accomplishments, Sternberg ( 2003 ) further elaborated that schools and universities will merely bring forth extremely fleeceable pupils and alumnuss who may be knowing, but deficiency of the accomplishments to believe critically and analytically over a state of affairs. This is because they are merely passively having information exhibited by the political leaders as information can be easy transmitted by the media via assorted signifier in this epoch of rapid develop ment of Information Technology ( IT ) . Without ability to believe critically, they besides would subsequently confront some jobs when they become employees as they need to pass on well-reasoned thoughts and would non be able to actively lend to educational treatments due to hapless communicating accomplishments and deficiency of analytical logical thinking to a state of affairs at manus ( Education Reform in Malaysia Report, 2012 ) .Critical thought and employabilityPaul ( 1995 ) claimed that critical thought is a critical foundation to the accommodations needed for mundane societal, personal and professional demands of the twenty-first Century. It is further supported by Elder ( 2000 ) who claims that it is of import to learn higher order believing accomplishments to pupils in schools and universities as today ‘s society has become more complex due to rapid alteration in engineering. The society demand to be able to analyze the huge information that can be gathered effortles sly via online and merely choice necessities from it ( Chartrand, 2009 ) . Henwood ( 2007 ) claimed this state of affairs besides applied in twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours existent life state of affairss. Hence, he farther stated that pupils who are ill-equipped with critical thought accomplishments will non be able to get by with the challenges and demands of current occupation market. This is because higher order believing accomplishment is believed as one of the most indispensable soft accomplishments for future employability of the new coevalss. â€Å" aˆÂ ¦workplace literacy in the following millenary will be synonymous with job resolution. † ( Mariam Jean Dreher, 2000 ) Mariam Jean Dreher ( 2000 ) predicts that the hereafter will name for a life style ; both in instruction and calling field ; of independent job convergent thinkers that requires multiliteracies which involves higher order believing accomplishments. In Malaysia, the research findings claim that critical thought accomplishment is extremely valued in the workplace today ( DETYA, 2000 ; Chartrand, 2009 ) . Norshima ( 2011 ) studies that Malaysia produces 60, 000 alumnuss yearly in which at least 30 per centum of these alumnuss are unemployed every twelvemonth as they are lacked of these powerful accomplishments. This is farther supported by Gurvinder Kaur and Sharan Kaur ( 2009 ) who claimed that in Malaysia, six out of 10 university alumnuss take every bit much as six months to be employed due to miss of critical thought accomplishments and hapless communicating accomplishments. Fong ( 2004 ) and Vijan ( 2007 ) findings stated that the grounds that Malayan alumnuss are unemployed because they are non able to affect their possible hereafter employers during interview due to hapless presentation and communicating accomplishments particularly if it is done in English. Besides, Malayan instruction system is said to be excessively exam-oriented and therefore, the alumnuss could non lend every bit much once they start working as they are merely theoretically competent but non equipped with sufficient practical exposure ( Henwood, 2007 ) . This is farther supported by Rosnani ( 2009 ) and Education Reform in Malaysia Report ( 2012 ) findings which stated that employers in Malaysia, specifically in concern sector, complain about the low quality of most alumnuss from Malaysia are lacking in footings of critical thought accomplishments which in return affect the quality of their work.Execution of critical thought in MalayaDue to the uprising employees ‘ concern over the lacking of this powerful soft accomplishment amongst newly alumnuss employers globally, course of study of educational system has been bit by bit revamped over the old ages. This state of affairs is particularly true in most prima or developing states like the United States, England and Singapore ( Nagappan, 2001 ; Willingham, 2007 ) . The demand to instill critical thought accomplishments into Malayan instruction system is therefore undeniable in order to carry through Vision 2020. This demand is supported by Rosnani ( 2009 ) who proclaims that Malaysians, in general, have non been able to use the content of cognition gained throughout their school old ages into existent life state of affairss even after undergone at least 11 old ages of schooling and hence, Malaysia educational system demand to be analysed and some alterations need to be made. Ministry of Education ( MOE ) has realised the dismaying demands of the aforesaid state of affairs and therefore, Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School ( KBSM ) was introduced in the late eightiess ( Nagappan, 2011 ) . The content of this new course of study was revamped in which originative and critical thought accomplishments were integrated in most of the topics taught in schools with a emphasis on treatment, find and enquiry ; the higher round of Bloom taxonomy ( Curriculum Development Center, 1989 ) . As it is realised that the instructors need to be competent to learn critical thought accomplishments to the pupils, a few attempts were besides been conducted as to fix the instructors and teachers-to-be with the new undertaking in front of them. As educational findings have reported that most instructors in Malayan schools are missing in footings of cognition and accomplishments to learn critical thought accomplishments to their pupils ( Education Reform in Malaysia Report, 2012 ) , a few amendments have been made to meet this job from the instructor ‘s portion. Nagappan ( 2001 ) studies that Teacher Education Division ( TED ) had revamped the course of study for Teacher Training Programme such as in Post Degree Teaching Programme ( KPLI ) in early 1994 to integrate a programme that teaches the schemes to learn believing accomplishments utilizing the extract attack which is based on Boston Model. As for the instructors in schools, Ministry of Education ( MOE ) had introduced the Programme for Instruction in Learning and Thinking Skills ( PILTS ) in 1992 ( Rosnani, 2009 ) . This programme was introduced to place the nucleus thought accomplishments to be taught and the schemes to inculcate these accomplishments into the content of the lesson being learnt. Apart from that, Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) has besides made an effort to cultivate undergraduates ‘ critical thought accomplishments through the content and undertakings assigned throughout each programme. Harmonizing to Hairuzila, Hazadiah & A ; Normah ( 2010 ) , the course of study for undergraduates has been infused with relevant soft accomplishments such as communicative accomplishments, critical thought and job resolution accomplishments, womb-to-tomb acquisition, squad work force and leading accomplishments into its course of study. They further elaborate that in order to aline with Vision 2020 of bring forthing holistic persons for the state, the appraisals or undertakings given to the undergraduates are geared towards fixing them for their calling life as most are based on real-life jobs, with less emphasis on pen and paper trials like antecedently.Challenges in learning critical thought accomplishments in MalayaDue to the exam-oriented civilization that has been practised for old ages in Malayan instruction system, instructors are shouldered with the duty to complete the course of study and give every bit much boring exercisings as they can to their pupils as to maintain up with the society ‘s outlook and over-emphasis on academic consequences. This in return has caused the instructors paying the least attending to pupils ‘ character edifice and soft accomplishments such as critical thought accomplishment ( Education Reform in Malaysia Report, 2012 ) . It can be seen here that Malayan instructors are non merely missing in footings of accomplishments to learn critical thought accomplishments ( Rosnani, 2009 ) , but besides are less than competent to fix and carry on a lesson that infuses critical thought accomplishments in a traditional schoolroom. This is due to the fact that learning critical thought accomplishments needs a batch of clip allotment during the pre-preparation category and undivided committedness both of por tion of the instructor and pupils to guarantee an active advancement during the acquisition procedure ( Willingham, 2007 ) . Apart from that, large size schoolrooms in most Malayan schools are besides one of the grounds that contribute to the failure of incorporating critical thought accomplishments in learning a topic in traditional schoolroom. A study done by Kamaruddin ( 2011 ) stated that schoolroom in Malayan schools are by and large consists of 35 to 50 pupils per schoolroom. This indirectly shows that most pupils will look as inactive scholars and synergistic activities that are believed to cultivate pupils ‘ critical thought can non be good conducted in such large size category. In contrast, many surveies have shown that a little size category of 20 pupils and below are said to be efficient and frequently associated with increased pupils ‘ public presentation and therefore, most likely leting smooth nurturing procedure of their soft accomplishments ( Carson, Badarack, 1989 ; Berliner, 1990 ; Kamaruddin & A ; Bhasah, 2004 ) . The force per unit area to accomplish excellence in academic consequence in a less contributing environment in most of Malayan schools left the instructors with no pick but to fall back rehearsing teacher centred attack in go toing their duties. Hence, pupils are non given ample chance to see synergistic, active acquisition that could really assist to cultivate their critical thought accomplishments ( Kamaruddin, 2011 ) . Teacher centred attack, in return, will undeniably do one-way cognition transmittal to happen and hence, less opportunities being given to the pupils to convey their sentiments to actively build their ain cognition ( Willingham, 2007 ) . Without chance to actively build ain cognition, one is said to pay less attending to cultivate and foster his ain critical thought ( Toulmin, 1958 ) . Due to this state of affairs, most of Malayan pupils who are subsequently become employees are said to hold hapless communicating accomplishments and this visibly shows in their defic iency of ability to critically reassigning an sentiment or cognition when pass oning with others ( Education Reform in Malaysia Report, 2012 ) .Educational Learning Theory and SchemesDue to that, instructors ‘ manner of learning should pitch towards incorporating higher order believing accomplishments and rehearsing positive communicating accomplishments in order to bring forth holistic persons align with Vision 2020. Woolfolk ( 1993 ) suggests that theoretical foundation of acquisition and schemes used in a acquisition procedure will assist to model the type of pupils that a instructor wants to foster. Lai ( 2011 ) suggests the instruction of higher order believing accomplishments should be based on the followerss:Constructivism TheoryBruner ( 1996 ) stated that the basic thought of constructivism is that scholars actively construct ain apprehension by accepting certain experiences and choosing necessities from assorted beginnings of cognition. Naismith et. Al ( 2006 ) beside s claimed that constructivism attack is about constructing new cognition upon what have been gathered in old acquisition. Woolfolk ( 1993 ) stated that constructivist larning theory indirectly learning the pupils to â€Å" larn to larn † as it involves believing procedures in which pupils need to be able to travel beyond the information given, use their ain cognition, evaluate opinions before generate new thoughts out of it. Students are required to actively affect in the acquisition procedure to develop their thought accomplishments through their experiences in schools ( Prawat, 1991 ) . Lai ( 2001 ) stated that constructivism can be used as a foundation to foster one ‘s higher order believing accomplishments via self-questioning, analyzing written papers for comprehension and besides holding collaborative treatments with equals.Social Constructivist TheorySocial Constructivist Theory, on the other manus, is a theory that states each single cognitive development is at its best when one constructs the significance of new cognition by actively take parting in building and sharing the cognition through communicating with others ( Burningham & A ; Cooper, 1999 ) . These theories believes that equal to peer treatment will assist one to actively build new cognition and learn by sharing and discoursing the stuffs gathered in a positive societal environment ( Schwandt, 2003 ) .Problem Based Learning ( PBL )Teaching critical thought accomplishments is normally being paired with Problem Based Learning attack as it triggers and provokes scholars ‘ thought as to make to a solution to a job with relation to daily state of affairss ( Woolfolk, 1993 ) . Problem Based Learning ( PBL ) attack teaches pupils to believe critically as it takes existent universe fortunes which normally involves experiential, inductive acquisition that requires oppugning and believing that is purposive and purposive ( Lai, 2011 ) . More frequently than non, it involves a underta king that encourages the scholars to â€Å" larn to larn † which is an of import constituent in constructivist attack ( Kuhn, 1999 ) . This necessarily will promote active larning procedure including through speaking, brainstorming and in-depth probe of cognition via legion collaborative acquisition experiences.Collaborative acquisitionA figure of critical thought research workers recommended that societal experiences in a learning procedure can significantly lend to one ‘s cognitive development procedure which obviously occurred in a collaborative acquisition attack ( Heyman, 2008 ; Thayer-Bacon, 2008 & A ; Nelson, 1994 ) . This is farther supported by Woolfolk ( 1993 ) who claimed that collaborative acquisition is fundamentally based from Piagetian and Vygotsky theory which reciprocally agree that societal interactions extremely contribute to one ‘s cognitive development procedure. In a collaborative acquisition, it is believed that Piaget theory is applied in footings of its instructional facet in which scholar ‘s cognitive development can be triggered via interactions with another individual of a higher developmental phase which is usually the instructor or a more knowing equal ( Woolfolk, 1993 ) whilst Vygotsky belief is identified in footings of one ‘s zone of proximal development that distinguishes between what an person can achieved by himself and what can be accomplished via interactions with a more competent equal or grownup ( Nelson, 1994 ) . Thayer-Bacon ( 2008 ) further viewed that societal interactions with others in collaborative acquisition is an of import facet to instil critical thought accomplishments onto pupils as they need to constructively contribute and portion sentiments and at the same clip learn to esteem other parts during group treatments.Collaborative Problem Based Learning ( CPBL )Gokhale ( 1995 ) findings stated that pu pils who are actively engaged in a collaborative undertaking demonstrate better Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS ) as compared to the 1s who work separately. This determination is farther supported by Vygotsky ( 1978 ) who claimed that collaborative acquisition helps to further the development of critical thought accomplishments via treatment, justification of thoughts and analyzing other ‘s positions. A few research findings have shown that uniting collaborative attack on job work outing learning scheme has really increase pupils ‘ meta-cognitive on work outing the jobs and therefore, better their higher order believing accomplishments ( Johnson & A ; Chung, 1999 ; Mergendoller et al. , 2000 ) . They further elaborate that the interaction between equals about the job at manus, brainstorming for solutions and measuring each other ‘s positions during the procedure has encouraged more frequent coevals of thoughts and solution and therefore, allow pupils to believe critically and analytically. Collaborative acquisition, as defined by Correndo and Alani ( 2007 ) , is an instructional scheme that consists of pupils from assorted proficiency degrees work together in a group while assisting each other towards accomplishing one common aim or larning result. On the other manus, Problem Based Learning is an instructional teaching method that uses job as a larning context to dispute the pupils to â€Å" larn to larn † in order to happen solutions to the job ( Duch, Groh & A ; Allen, 2001 ) . Hence, Collaborative Problem Based Learning ( CPBL ) is a combination of Collaborative Learning and Problem Based Learning which can be concluded as an instructional scheme that provides chances for the pupils to work within little groups and actively take part in assorted activities including treatments a state of affairs, analyzing others ‘ positions and eventually collaboratively measuring possible solution to the job at manus ( An, 2006 ) .The advantages of CPBLCPBL encourages pupils to work together in building new cognition to seek a solution of the job at manus. Hence, pupils are given huge chances to go critical minds by sharing thoughts and actively prosecuting oneself in treatments and be responsible of their ain acquisition every bit good as others ‘ ( Totten, Sills, Digby, & A ; Russ, 1991 ) . This place is farther supported by Johnson and Johnson ( 1986 ) who stated that the coaction on job work outing promotes higher degree of thought as the participants need to analyze others ‘ sentiment before clear uping ain sentiment. They farther claimed that this helps to advance longer cognition keeping as compared to the 1s who worked separately to seek cognition. Besides, An ( 2006 ) besides stated that CPBL provides reliable larning experiences every bit good as fostering their communicating accomplishments while interchanging thoughts during the treatments. Hence, CPBL helps to further autonomous acquisition accomplishments that could be utile to assist pupils go womb-to-tomb scholars and critical minds ( Norman and Schmidt, 1992 ) . Albanese and Mitchell ( 1993 ) besides proposed that pupils who undergone CPBL attack performed better than the 1s who received traditional attack in larning as they have first manus experience that rewards them with in-depth understanding about the undertaking at manus. This is believed because the pupils actively building their ain cognition via interaction with their equals ( Smith & A ; MacGregor, 2001 ) . Vygotsky ( 1978 ) besides views that instructor is non the lone cognition sender that the pupils can larn from ; equal instruction is besides one of the ways to promote active acquisition.The restrictions of CPBLDespite of these benefits, CPBL attack besides has its just portion of defects when it is being applied in a traditional schoolroom. In any group activities, particularly in a traditional schoolroom as it is rather hard for the instructor to accurately measure every pupil ‘s parts to the group, there is ever freeloading jobs. The freeloading members normally take credits of the work of others and this may do struggle amongst pupils ( Bower & A ; Richards, 2006 ) . Bower and Richards ( 2006 ) further stated that this may diminish some assurance of some pupils as psychologically, every pupil demand to be acknowledged where recognition is due in order for them to foster build their ain cognition in an active mode. They besides claimed that it is about impossible for the instructor to reasonably administer the grade based on every pupil ‘s part to the group. Hence, this may either do some pupils to either frustrated for being credited below the belt and subsequently de-motivated to lend in the hereafter or worse, become freeloaders and merely basking the free tiffin ( Bonwell, 2006 ) . Other than that, since CPBL activities need the pupils to collaboratively work towards accomplishing a end or solution to a real-life job, the readying of these activities are usually take great attempt and commitment both from the instructor and pupils. This is difficult to accomplish if it were to be done in a traditional schoolroom due to clip and infinite restraint ( Bonwell, 2002 ) . Apart from learning, Malayan instructors particularly, are burdened with other excess course of study or out of-school activities that take a batch of their personal clip ( Rosnani, 2009 ) . Without proper readying, CPBL that is hoped to promote pupils to actively build their ain cognition and at the same clip fostering their higher order and communicating accomplishments may non be turn into an accomplishable terminal ( Hmelo-Silver, 2004 ) . This is farther supported by Smith and MacGregor ( 2001 ) who claimed that collaborative acquisition is a fantastic attack to promote critical thought, nevert heless, it is besides may make quandary between pupil ‘s procedure of acquisition and the coverage of the lesson ‘s content.Computer Supported Collaborative Learning ( CSCL )Due to the rapid development of Information Technology ( IT ) in this modern age, these twenty-first Century pupils ‘ manner of acquisition has besides changed ( An, 2006 ) . Today, one of the ways to back up active acquisition can be materialised in a more fun manner through the usage of engineering tools. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning ( CSCL ) is an instructional scheme infused with constructivist attack to learning and larning utilizing engineering to back up coaction in order to make a more contributing and prosecuting larning atmosphere ( Johnson & A ; Johnson, 1996 ) . They farther stated that a technology-rich acquisition environment is able to increase pupils ‘ societal interaction, cooperation and coaction and therefore, promote their cognition building. Harasim, Hilt z, Teles, and Turoff ( 1995 ) besides claimed that CSCL promotes on-line collaborative acquisition that may positively promote pupils ‘ towards active acquisition. This is because pupils can acquire information about effortlessly via online and so discourse with their equals before emerge with a solution to a job.CPBL in an online environmentIn this epoch of rapid development of Information Technology ( IT ) , there have been attempts to unite CPBL into CSCL environment ( An, 2006 ) . Many research findings have indicated that CPBL in an online environment has been demoing positive effects towards pupils ‘ cognition building every bit good as societal interaction accomplishments. One of the fringe benefits by using CPBL into an on-line environment, apart from treatment with the teacher and their equals via online with no limitation to clip and topographic point, is that it encourages autonomous larning amongst pupils as it provides pupils with huge choices of information needed about effortlessly ( Bonk & A ; King, 1998 ) . This is because it allows the pupils to larn via Web 2.0 tools as larning AIDSs such as electronic mails, on-line group treatment in the confab suites, collaborative authorship via Wiki, societal bookmarking and so forth to go on anytime and anyplace. This limitless and easy entree on information will open ways for the pupils to accommodate to autonomous acquisition and therefore, promote active cognition building to happen. Besides, this online larning environment allows the function of the instructor as the exclusive supplier of cognition to transform into the function of facilitator, which aligns absolutely with student-centred attack in PBL ( Vrasidas & A ; McIsaac, 2000 ) . Here, pupils are encouraged to build their ain cognition with small counsel from the instructor and go an active subscriber towards their ain acquisition alternatively of passively having cognition from anyone else. This attack opens manner to cultivate one ‘s higher order believing accomplishments ( Harasim et al. , 1997 ) as it besides promotes positive interaction between the instructor and the pupils ( Relan & A ; Gillani, 1997 ) . Most significantly, Althaus, ( 1996 ) viewed that CPBL in an online environment allows computing machine mediated communicating that gives an ample clip for the pupils to analyze, reflect the content of the treatment, happen excess information needed via online and evaluate others ‘ sentiments before supplying a thoughtful response. The treatment via online besides allows the pupils to make self contemplation at their ain convenient clip as they can publish out the treatment due to its permanency discourse, as opposed to confront to confront treatment ( Bonk & A ; King, 1998 ) . Bower and Richards ( 2006 ) stated that one of the restrictions of utilizing PBL in a traditional schoolroom is that the collaborative treatment in a traditional schoolroom frequently consequences in off-task behavior amongst pupils. In contrast, many research findings have proven that pupils emit less off-task behavior in an on-line treatment and they tend to concentrate and intently work outing the job at manus ( Angeli et al. , 2003 ; Bonk et al. , 1998 ; Bonk & A ; King, 1998 ; Bonk et al. , 2004 ) . In fact, many psychological surveies have indicated that collaborative treatment via online shows more engagement from the pupils than the face to confront treatments ( Bonk & A ; King, 1998 ; Chong, 1998 ; Cooney, 1998 ) . This state of affairs is particularly true for the pupils who have shy personality or deficiency of ego assurance to speak publically. Leasure et Al. ( 2000 ) proposed that this could be due to the comfy and â€Å" safe † societal acquisition environment that the on-line atmosphere provides for these pupils. Here, it can be said that CPBL in an on-line environment is a possible acquisition attack to advance positive alterations in cultivating critical thought every bit good as to promote one ‘s societal interaction with others.2.8 Language larning issues in MalayaIn traveling towards carry throughing Vision 2020, instruction system in Malaysia is undergoing a few alterations as to bring forth holistic persons who are competent physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually ( Education Reform in Malaysia Report, 2012 ) . Along with the alterations introduced, Ministry of Education ( MOE ) has decided to incorporate the instruction of critical thought accomplishments within the course of studies of the topics taught in schools including English topic. The alterations is hoped to bring forth womb-to-tomb scholars who are able to believe critically and analytically over a given state of affairs. Sadly, nevertheless, the result of our instruction system has proven a contrasting consequence in which most of Malayan pupils and university undergraduates are said to be lacking in footings critical thought accomplishments and show hapless communicating abilities particularly when it is done in English ( Normazidah, Koo & A ; Hazita, 2012 ) . A survey by Koo ( 2008 ) revealed that this is due to the fact that Malaysians schools in general, placed a high value of importance on national scrutiny. This has indirectly caused the English instructors to concentrate on the instruction of grammar, reading a transition and composing accomplishments instead than concentrating on the communicative facet of the linguistic communication itself, allow entirely to model pupils ‘ critical thought ability while larning the linguistic communication ( Normazidah, Koo & A ; Hazita, 2012 ) . This is farther supported by Amigapathy ( 2002 ) findings on his analysis of KBSM course of study which indicated that the content of current course of study requires the pupils to larn excessively many grammatical constituents which subsequently are to be tested in scrutinies. Here, it can be seen that the instruction of English is chiefly focused on the mechanical facet of the linguistic communication without doing any connexion with how it should be used in existent life communicative events. He farther documented that in order to carry through the demands of the society to bring forth pupils with good classs in scrutinies, English instructors in Malaysia frequently resorted to teacher-centred attack in learning the linguistic communication by supplying chalk-and-talk boring method of past twelvemonth documents, manus outs and infinite paper exercises. This finally will necessarily bring forth scholars who know about the linguistic communication but do non cognize how to utilize it in existent life state of affairss ( Amigapathy, 2002 ) , show limited critical ability in analyzing and reacting to an academic transition ( Ahmad Mazli Muhammad, 2007 ) as pupils are merely exposed to come up attack to reading ( Noorizah Mohd Noor, 2006 ) . Here, it can be concluded that there is a mismatch between the policy made with the existent practise of instruction and acquisition of English in Malaysia which make it rather hard to bring forth scholars as critical minds with acceptable degree of English proficiency. This state of affairs is reported leads to a greater job when the pupils make the passage from secondary school to university as the pupils will confront jobs to travel off from school spoon-feeding learning civilization ( Normazidah, Koo & A ; Hazita, 2012 ) . Research surveies have indicated that most Malayan pupils are non prepared to run into the academic demand that requires them to hold both linguistic communication literacy every bit good as critical literacy ability in order to carry through the academic reading and academic authorship undertakings imposed on them at university ( Rosniah Mustaffa, 2006 ; Krishnakumari, Paul-Evanson, & A ; Selvanayagam, 2010 ) . Therefore, it is safe to state that the clip has come for Malayan instructors to handle the pupils as the focal point of linguistic communication acquisition by doing a little alterations in learning the linguistic communication and at the same clip, whenever possible, supplying a contributing environment of larning. As CPBL is geared towards cultivating one ‘s critical thought ability ( An, 2006 ; Totten, Sills, Digby, & A ; Russ, 1991 ) and critical thought accomplishments is viewed as important portion in the acquisition of linguistic communication accomplishments ( Elder & A ; Paul, 2006 ; Shaharom Abdullah, 2004 ; Moore, 1995 ) , it merely seems appropriate to accommodate CPBL attack in the instruction and acquisition of English in Malaysian schoolrooms. Besides, linguistic communication acquisition can besides be mediated via engineering tools because as mentioned earlier, CPBL in an on-line environment brings enormous advantages and benefits to the pupils in footings of critical thought and linguistic communication acquisition as it involves legion chances for societal interactions amongst the pupils and pedagogue.Technology, linguistic communication acquisition and critical thoughtTechnology has besides been proven utile in the instruction of linguistic communication and development of one ‘s critical thought at clip and infinite convenient to both the instructor and pupils ( Cheong & A ; Cheung, 2008 ) . For case, the treatments in the treatment boards or chew the fat suites between the pupils and the instructor and besides between pupils have been used as a medium to positively develop pupils ‘ communicating accomplishments every bit good as linguistic communication accomplishments ( Chitravelu, Sithamparam and Teh, 2005 ) . Kroop, Nussbaumer and Fruhmann ( 2010 ) reported that the development of Web 2.0 tools are able to better one ‘s linguistic communication skills every bit good as support one ‘s critical thought accomplishments development by leting its users to make collaborative treatment that includes discussing, reasoning, reexamining, measuring, composing and re-producing an thought. By utilizing Web 2.0 tools such as electronic mails, treatments in confab suites or treatment boards that could be done either synchronously or asynchronously, pupils become more participative and therefore, bettering their linguistic communication and communicative accomplishments ( Berry, 2006 ) . Another Web 2.0 tools that is often used in an on-line environment to learn linguistic communication is Wiki. Wiki is said has the potency to better pupils ‘ linguistic communication accomplishments every bit good as communicating and thought accomplishments ( Goodings, 2008 ) . Fuchs-Kittowski and Kohler ( 2005 ) mentioned that Wikis is able to ease the collaborative treatments that encourage coevals of cognition by supplying a medium to portion creative activity and edit paperss. Bruns and Humphreys ( 2005 ) besides added that Wiki is a learning tool that support societal constructivist larning as it allows argumentative-based larning experience ( Chong & A ; Yamamoto, 2006 ) , facilitates knowledge determining ( Reinhold, 2006 ) , allows coaction ( Kim et al. , 2006 ) and allows enquiry acquisition and collaborative building of cognition ( Yukawa, 2006 ) . This procedure is known as Argumentative Knowledge Construction. Knowledge building within a traditional schoolroom is frequently relied to a great extent on the instructors which necessarily produce inactive scholars who may or may non be able to critically decode the cognition received to use it in existent life state of affairs ( Weible, 2011 ) . By utilizing Web 2.0 tools, on the other manus, it encourages and facilitates active engagement of each user as everyone has a just portion and chance to make, portion, edit, add on and go through the cognition and these actions reinforce single ‘s cognition building by actively larning from others ( Correndo & A ; Alani, 2007 ) . Besides, Web 2.0 tools value are increased as the more people are utilizing it as the content cognition and the information are provided chiefly by the users and construct up over the clip with other users ‘ part ( Weible, 2011 ) . This procedure encourages argumentative cognition building amongst its users as they learn from each other and develop higher other be lieving accomplishments as the users need to measure others ‘ sentiment apart from offering one in the treatment. This is in line with constructivism attack in which larning takes topographic point and retain longer when it is achieve via societal context ( Woolfolk, 1993 ) .Argumentative Knowledge ConstructionHarmonizing to Weinberger and Fischer ( 2006 ) , Argumentative Knowledge Construction is described as a manner for the pupils to build their ain cognition via educational debate and interaction with their learning spouses. They besides stated that each single cognition building is depends on is refined and evidenced throughout their active engagement in analyzing sentiments of others, measuring possible solutions or results available from emerge with ain point of views via treatment and debate with equals.Argumentative Knowledge Construction in CPBLAalst ( 2009 ) stated that Argumentative Knowledge Construction is a procedure in which the pupils solve a job and concept m eaningful comprehension of a peculiar state of affairs in relation to their anterior cognition by societal interaction within a peculiar group. He farther added it involves a huge sphere of cognitive procedures as it involves critical-explanation seeking oppugning techniques, construing and analyzing new information, sharing, knocking, reorganizing thoughts, sum uping and synthesising before emerge with a new construct of the affair. In CPBL, for illustration, pupils learn by take parting in experiential acquisition and garner the indispensable cognition by work outing a job and reflecting on their collaborative experiences ( Hmelo-Silver, 2004 ) . CPBL activities encourage pupils to work in little collaborative groups in order to look into, understand, explicate and happen a solution to meaningful, real-life contexts ( Barrow, 2000 ) . He farther viewed that CPBL attack is widely used to cultivate one ‘s critical thought accomplishments as its acquisition procedure starts by showing the pupils with a job scenario in which the pupils try to work out the job collaboratively by place the lacks within the job, sharing sentiments and facts before coming out with hypotheses as to critically supply solutions to the job. Therefore, it can be said that CPBL is a suited attack to learn pupils to develop schemes in work outing jobs which may heighten their critical thought ability and besides assist them to heighten their argumentative cognition building ( Hmelo-Silver, 2004 ) .Argumentative Knowledge Construction in CSCLStudent ‘s argumentative cognition building procedure can be enhanced rather expeditiously through pupils ‘ treatments and composing with the assistance of fast growing and spread of Web 2.0 engineering, particularly in linguistic communication instruction and acquisition ( Stegmann et al. , 2007 ) . Bocconi ( 2010 ) proposed that CSCL may help to the Argumentative Knowledge Construction via the usage of Web 2.0 tools integrates with societal package to ease pupils interaction and coaction within a peculiar group. This is an accomplishable state of affairs as Web 2.0 tools such as weblogs, wikis, societal bookmarking, treatment boards, societal networking sites and others allow its users to pool information that triggers communications that leads to knowledge sharing and therefore, cognition is constructed ( Strijbos, Martens and Jochems, 2004 ) . Apart from that, the research conducted by Boulos et Al. ( 2006 ) stated that Wikis have the possible to ease autonomous acquisition of one to build ain cognition in order to derive deeper apprehension over a affair. Another research done by Bocconi ( 2010 ) shows that the usage of Web 2.0 tools, the Wikis to be specific, has shown positive consequence to catapult pupil ‘s argumentative cognition building procedure by analyzing the quality and frequence of the single argumentative Acts of the Apostless throughout the procedure. This is farther supported by Armin et Al. ( 2006 ) who claimed that by utilizing Wiki, pupils learn how to reason within a sphere and facilitates scholars in building their ain cognition and this taking them to a deeper apprehension. Bocconi ( 2010 ) stated that pupils ‘ higher order believing accomplishments are evidenced via their statements throughout the treatment procedure. He farther suggested that one of the methods to analyze and supervise pupils ‘ statement that emits their degree of higher order believing accomplishments can be done by utilizing Models of Argument such as Toulmin ‘s ModelModels of ArgumentationModel of Argumentation is defined as the basic layout as to sketch the best possible ways to organize an effectual procedure of common sense logical thinking or controversy in supplying a persuasive point of views ( Georgia State University, Department of English, 2008 ) . There are a few theoretical accounts of debate that are widely used in educational discourse in linguistic communication acquisition viz. the Classical Approach, the Rogerian Approach and the Toulmin Approach. The Classical Approach is fundamentally used to convert the audience to hold and take side or do determination that favours one ‘s personal point of view ( Beale, 1986 ) . He farther elaborates that this attack consists of five elements of composing the statements viz. the Introduction in which to province the general claim of an statement to the audience ; the Narration as to supply a relevant drumhead background of peculiar state of affairs ; the Confirmation as to supply back uping grounds to a claim. Then, it is followed by the Refutation in which the talker or author provides a counter-argument to any opposing claims before terminals it with the Conclusion as to which the talker or author summarizes the chief points and reiterates the claim made in Introduction portion. The Rogerian Approach, on the other manus, is based on the thought that the talker or the author needs to happen a â€Å" common land † with his audience as to make to a more conciliatory and less confrontational solution ( Moxley, 2012 ) . There are besides chiefly five elements in sketching debate thoughts harmonizing to Rogerian Model of Argumentation. It begins with an Introduction that province the issue ; followed by a non-judgemental opposition ‘s place ; a impersonal statement of ain point of view ; an analysis of common land of both places stated and eventually a proposal of concluding statement that satisfies the demands of both places made. Whilst Toulmin ‘s Model of Argumentation in which it was developed by a British philosopher, Stephen Toulmin. He suggested that a realistic statement normally starts with a individual makes a claim over a affair, so supply a land that support the claim which is followed by a warrant to endorse up the land made ( Toulmin, 1958 ) . This is the Model of Argumentation chosen to be used in this survey and will be elaborated at length below.Toulmin ‘s ModelHarmonizing to Toulmin ( 1958 ) , his strategy of statement analysis is based on six parts, which could be depicted utilizing Figure 2.1 as follows:DatasClaimWarrantsBackingQualifierRebuttalFigure 2.1: Toulmin ‘s Model of Argument Claim: the statement or decision being argued ; Datas: The grounds or fact to back up the claim made ; Warrants: the logical statements that serve as a connexion between the informations and the claim made ; Backing: the basic premise that is made to farther support a warrant ; Qualifiers: states the restriction under which state of affairs the claim can be regarded as true ; Rebuttals: the counter statements to picture circumstance when the claim made is non true. ( Toulmin, 1958 ) In add-on, Bocconi ( 2010 ) indicated that the basic construction of each of these phases can be identified and represented as follows: â€Å" because ( informations ) . . . since ( warrant ) . . . on history of ( endorsing ) . . . therefore ( decision ) † Bocconi ( 2010 ) Karbach ( 2010 ) stated that Toulmin suggested that one ‘s statement can be analysed by looking at his or her cognition building at four stairss viz. ; claim, informations, rebuttal and backup as to see whether the statement made solidly backed, sufficient and relevant to back up the old statements made. Hence, Karbach ( 2010 ) believed that Toulmin ‘s Model of Argumentation is a clear theoretical account to observe one ‘s inductive, deductive and logical logical thinking. Kneupper ( 1978 ) besides viewed that this layout strategy can be efficaciously used to analyze the constituents of an statements in linguistic communication acquisition.DecisionThe instruction of higher order believing accomplishments can non be taught in isolation ( Lai, 2011, Nagappan, 2001 ) . Hence, it has to be integrated into the course of study as to supply the pupils with the existent life medium and purposeful acquisition results apart from its importance to cultivate one ‘s critic al thought and communicating accomplishments ( Education Reform in Malaysia Report, 2012 ) . In this fast growing of Information Technology ( IT ) epoch, the usage of engineering such as Web 2.0 tools can be used to efficaciously heighten the instruction of these accomplishments anytime anyplace ( Winston, 2006 ) . Besides, the usage of these engineering tools are proven to be effectual to promote pupils to larn collaboratively as human makes significances and can make at a deeper apprehension by pass oning with others ( Vygotsky, 1978 ; Johnson and Johnson, 1986 ; Gokhale,1995 ; An, 2006 ) . Through the communicating and interaction in a collaborative treatment via online, one can actively develop his or her ain cognition building in order to organize deeper apprehension in a safe and unafraid societal environment ( Chitravelu, Sithamparan & A ; Teh, 2005 ; Weinberger & A ; Fischer, 2006 ) .